b"B Y C H R I S T O P H E R R . R I C H A R D S O N , D M D , M StoPRESIDENT'S MESSAGEMuch like everyone, I was anxiously awaitingthe periodontist in dental care, with the the chance to see my friends and colleaguesultimate goal of increasing referrals from again as the 107th Annual Meeting convenedparticipating hygienists. in person for the first time in two years this past November in Miami Beach. (You can seeAnother exciting effort in 2022 will be photos and read a recap of some of the keythe continuation of our Best Evidence moments of the meeting in the feature on pageConsensus (BEC) conference (see the 8.) I was humbled to begin my term as thefeature on page 32). This years topic will AAP president and optimistic about what lies inbe the utilization of biologic mediators. store for the Academy this coming year. Be on the lookout for the results of this initiative to be published later in the year. To begin with, the AAP unveiled its new core value which states that The AAP embraces itsI am especially excited to see the work diverse community of members and fosters aof the Academys task force investigating culture of inclusion, respect, and dignity.predoctoral and periodontal education. This team has been reviewing data I am proud of the diversity of our membership.provided by department chairs and The AAP has always valued the sharing offaculty from dental schools across the research and perspectives in an effort tocountry. The Academy plans to use this advance the periodontal profession and provideinformation to help in the development of the best treatment for patients. That includessupplemental programs that can support collaboration among other organizations andeducators such as the learning modules institutions, as well as among our members.that comprise AAPs Education Access.Having a varied membership in the AAP allows us to gather the best periodontal minds inThe future looks bright for this the world from a wide array of backgrounds,organization, and I look forward to fulfilling experiences, and perspectives. It makes this amy duties as president and seeing the very special time to be a periodontist and anAcademy flourish in the year ahead.AAP member. Sincerely,Also on the topic of collaboration, one of theChristopher R. Richardson, DMD, MS things Im most excited about in the comingPresident year is the implementation of our hygieneAmerican Academy of Periodontologyinitiative. Led by the Academys Task Force on Dental Hygiene Engagement, this multi-year program will establish study clubs to help hygienists better understand the role of AAP Periospectives| 5"