b"Captain Shafie is confident that theBecause periodontal health is closely opportunity to complete a periodonticsinterconnected with overall health, COVER STORYresidency at a civilian institution holds greatCaptain Shafie aims to promote promise and potential, and that it marksinterdisciplinary collaboration Knowledge Sharinga significant milestone in bridging the gapbetween periodontists, general Continued from page 7 between the military and civilian sectorsdentists, and other healthcare in dentistry. By offering this opportunity,professionals within the Army. By an avenue for exchange of knowledge,fostering a team-based approach, Witnessing the significant impact that periodontalexperiences, and techniques is created,we can address the systemic diseases can have on individuals' overall well-beingbenefiting both the military and civilian dentalimplications of periodontal diseases sparked a deep curiosity within me to understandcommunities. and provide comprehensive care the subject further. Throughout his dentalthat considers the overall well-being education, he shares that he had the privilegeCivilian institutions often cater to a wideof our soldiers. This integration of being mentored by experienced periodontistsrange of demographics, presenting a uniqueof disciplines will result in a more who shared their knowledge and passion for theopportunity to encounter various oral healthholistic and effective approach to field. Their guidance and encouragement ignitedconditions and treatment approaches.periodontal care. Bringing these his interest in periodontology even further. TheyAs a military dentist, this exposure canadvancements in periodontal care opened my eyes to the vast potential for research,enhance my clinical skills and broaden myto the Army to enhance the quality advancements, and innovations within the specialty.understanding of periodontal diseases andof dental services provided to our Their mentorship instilled in me the belief thattheir management. soldiers is Captain Shafies goal. periodontology not only offers opportunities for my personal growth but also provides me a platform toHe also discussed how collaboration betweenColonel Johnson is thrilled that an contribute to the improvement of patients' lives. military and civilian institutions fostersArmy officer will begin periodontics the exchange of best practices and thetraining at AU in 2025. Multiple He adds, Periodontology is a field that necessitatesadvancement of research in periodontics.connections between the Army collaboration with other dental and medicalEach sector brings its own expertise andperiodontics program and AU already specialties. This interdisciplinary approach appealedexperiences to the table, creating a rich andexist. Army periodontics residents to me, as it allows for comprehensive patient caredynamic environment for innovation andcomplete two years of instruction in and the opportunity to work closely with a diversegrowth. By tapping into the resources andoral biology at Augusta Universitys team of healthcare professionals. The prospect ofknowledge of both sectors, advancementsGraduate School. In addition, the AU collaborating with prosthodontists, oral surgeons,in periodontal treatment modalities andand Army periodontics programs and other specialists to provide holistic treatmenttechniques can be shared, ultimatelytogether conduct oral mock board for patients with complex cases inspired me tobenefiting patients from all walks of life. examinations annually in May, and specialize in periodontology. multiple AU faculty members are One of the benefits of completing aalumni of the Army Periodontics The most valuable lesson that Captain Shafie hasperiodontics residency at a civilian institutionProgram. Having an Army officer learned throughout his dental studies and practiceis that it allows him to establish professionaltrain in the AU Periodontics Program is the importance of empathy. He strongly believesnetworks beyond the military community.will further strengthen the existing that empathy forms the foundation of a strongHe emphasized that connections andties.patient-provider relationship. When patientscollaborations forged during this residency can sense that their dentist genuinely cares aboutlead to lifelong partnerships and mentorships,Dr. Mira Ghaly is an exceptional their well-being, trust is built, and anxieties areopening doors to future career opportunitiesProgram Director, Johnson said. alleviated. This trust allows patients to feel moreand growth. The integration of militaryI am always impressed by the comfortable sharing their concerns, fears, anddentists into the broader dental communityprofessionalism and skill of AU expectations. By actively listening and empathizing,can foster a sense of camaraderie andresidents.dental professionals can address these concernscollaboration, strengthening the overall dental effectively, leading to a more positive experienceprofession. As we move forward, it is crucialArmy periodontics faculty and for the patient. He emphasizes that empathy is anto recognize the importance of continuedresidents collaborate with elite AU important part of effective communication, and thiscollaboration and integration betweenresearchers such as Dr. Jennifer allows him to better understand patients uniquemilitary and civilian dental institutions. ByBradford, Associate Professor of circumstances, including their lifestyle, fears, andembracing this opportunity, we can ensureBiology, Department of Biological financial constraints. This understanding enablesthat our armed forces' dental professionalsSciences; Dr. Ashok Sharma, dentists to tailor treatment plans that align with theare equipped with the latest knowledge andAssociate Professor, Center for patient's specific needs, leading to improved patientskills, ultimately benefiting the oral health andBiotechnology and Genomic satisfaction and compliance. well-being of our service members and theMedicine, Medical College of broader population. Georgia; and Dr. Ahmed El-Awady, Associate Professor, Department of8 Periodontics."