b'Gen You continues with Demetrius Flood, Dr. Kristen Richey, Dr. Donna Klauser, and Dr. Wayne Aldredge giving us more insight into their journeys. In the last issue, we were introduced to these unique, hardworkingMEMBERSHIP MATTERSindividuals. This issue, we learn more about each of their individual paths, including challenges they have faced, what its like to own a practice, and how the AAP has been a resource throughout each of their journeys.Demetrius Flood MPH, MBSDr. Donna Klauser DDS,FACD StudentPractice owner DSIG member since 2022 Active member since 1997After earning two masters degrees priorI am very grateful to the AAP for providing me to my dental school matriculation, I waswith resources to help me thrive as a clinician eager to join the dental workforce as soonand practice owner. Last years sessions as possible. However, during the first fewat the Annual Meeting were fantastic, and months of dental school my perspectiveI learned about the oral implications with changed when Dr. Paul Levi Jr.who isAlzheimer and dementia. I continue to share this information with my now my mentorstated, The periodontium is the foundation of thepatients, and they look to me to help keep them healthy and informed. mouth and you do not build anything upon a bad foundation. ThisIm very grateful to Dr. Mandelaris SFOT lecture that is now the bulk of statement resonated with me deeply and led me to explore the field ofmy practice. I continue to network with my AAP colleagues, and Im very periodontics through shadowing, seeking mentors, and using onlinegrateful for the relationships Ive formed over the years.resources like perio.org. Shortly after, I realized that periodontics was my calling. I felt confident that this specialty would allow me to haveDr. Wayne Aldredge, DMD the deepest impact, not only in my local community but also withinPast AAP President the dental profession as a whole. Active member since 1995During the early phases of my search and after deciding to pursueThere are three main ways in which the AAP periodontics, the AAP has been an excellent resource. Whilehas helped me become more successful in searching for programs, I found the AAP website incredibly helpful formy periodontal practice. Firstly, the Annual navigating through various schools and their locations. This helpedMeeting. I get to reconnect with colleagues, organize my efforts during the application process. Additionally, afterfind out what works in their practices, and joining the Dental Student Interest Group (DSIG), I gained accesslearn from the best and brightest out there at the lectures. Its about our to the AAPs online library. The journals and thousands of articlesrelationships. Because I stay in touch with my colleagues and classmates available there were invaluable to me and my research team as wethroughout the years, we sit around and have a roundtable. We ask each delved into the effects of orthodontic therapy for adult patients with aother questions like, How are you doing?, What do you think about this history of periodontitis. I look forward to continuing to utilize the AAPgrafting technique as opposed to this one?, Why would you do this?, as a resource as I embark on my periodontics residency. What materials work?, What insurances are successful?Dr. Kristen Richey, DDSNumber two would be the content, which includes position papers Residentor workshops that the Academy provides. For example, if theres a Student member since 2022 workshop on the perio-systemic link, I would get reprints of that article. As I complete my residency training, II have a database of 260 general dentists in my area, so I would put a look forward to using the AAP resourcescover letter together explaining what were doing, how were furthering such as the Career Center and Memberthe science, and how were providing information so you can educate Directory in order to find a periodontistyour patients, and Id mail it to them. who is hiring so I can find a job that isSometimes I have a study club, so the third way in which the AAP has a great fit. As a resident, I have lovedhelped my practice is study club material. Ive had a study club now for being an AAP member. There are so many amazing benefits such asseveral years and the challenge has always been getting content for the access to CE, the Annual Meetings, access to journals, and of coursestudy club. Recently, the Academy has provided content for that which is the great community. I look forward to being an AAP member for thephenomenal and allows me to interact at a high level. rest of my time in residency and after, and I appreciate the AAPs help with this transition from residency to being a periodontist. 23'