b'What trends or developments do you see"walking around knowledge," review key points, in the practice of periodontics today? and consult references on various devices. This In today\'s periodontics practice, periodontists playplatform is central to The American Board of a pivotal role in managing mucogingival deformitiesPeriodontology\'s shift from a static recertification around both natural teeth and implants, as well asexam every six years to a continuous certification in treating peri-implant diseases. These specializedmodel. Research indicates that ongoing areas demand the unique expertise that periodontistsassessment is the most effective way for possess. Mastery in plastic surgeries and strategicDiplomates to maintain up-to-date knowledge and management of peri-implant diseases are becomingskills in their specialty. I am highly supportive and increasingly prominent within the specialty.excited about the launch of ABPerio Minute.Additionally, there is a growing emphasis on assessingDo you have any advice for those risk factors, educating patients about diseaseconsidering pursuing Board prevention, and ensuring long-term maintenance, all of which are integral aspects of periodontal care.certification?Therefore, future trends and developments willBeing a Board-certified periodontist is one of the largely focus on disease prevention and complicationhighest recognitions in the field. The American management. Board of Periodontology certifies proficiency As an ABP Examiner, you have beenin periodontology and dental implant surgery involved in testing the ABPs newthrough examination and continuous certification. Achieving Board certification signifies recognition continuing certification platform, ABPerioby peers as a well-qualified clinician capable of Minute. What can you tell us aboutaccurate diagnosis, treatment planning, therapy, ABPerio Minute? and maintenance. I always recommend Board-ABPerio Minute is a user-friendly platform designedcertified periodontists to my patients who relocate, for ABP Diplomates to support lifelong learningas I trust and rely on their expertise without and continuous certification. It allows Diplomatesreservation.to acquire, assess, and demonstrate knowledge with minimal time commitment. Users can test their 33'