b'AMERICAN BOARD OF PERIODONTOLOGYABP Update Continued from page 35ABP golf shirts and quarter-zip fleeces are now2023-2024BOARD OF DIRECTORSavailable! For more information, please log into yourAngela Palaiologou Gallis, DDS, MS; PresidentDiplomate portal at www.abperio.orgPaul Luepke, DDS, MS; Vice President2024 ELECTIONSDIRECTORS OF THE ABP Bryan J. Frantz, DMD, MS; Secretary/TreasurerThe ABP encourages all Active and Life Active membersRobert A. Faiella, DMD, MMSc, MBA;of the Academy to review the qualifications of theImmediate Past Presidentcandidates for ABP Director and to cast a ballot in theRodrigo E.F. Neiva, DDS, MSannual Academy elections. Diplomates interested in running for ABP Director may access more informationCraig Yonemura, DDS, MSon the Academys website. Information on ABPLeena Bahl Palomo, DDS, MSDNominating Committee positions may also be obtainedRichard T. Kao, DDS, PhDfrom the AAP or from your District Trustee.Charles A. Powell, DDS, MS (Interim Director)UPDATE YOUR PROFILE AND IMPROVE YOURDouglas R. Dixon, DMD, PhDVISIBILITYNicolaas C. Geurs, DDS, MSDid you know the Find a Board Certified Periodontist is the most visited page on the ABPs website? Make sure you are visible by adding aEXECUTIVE STAFFprofile photo and website address. Do you have multiple offices? We can help you with those listings. ContactJeffrey A. Rossmann, DDS, MS; Director, Examinationsthe ABP Office if you have any questions or needCharles A. Powell, DDS, MS; Interim Director, assistance updating your profile. Continuing CertificationIMPORTANT DATES AND DEADLINES Eileen G. Loranger, Executive Director Oct. 31, 2024: 2025 Oral Examination RegistrationKaty Englehart, Associate Executive DirectorDeadline Barbara Robinette, Credentialing Program Manager Nov. 20, 2024: 2025 Qualifying Examination Registration Deadline 312-682-0919staff@abperio.org Jan. 2731, 2025: 2025 Qualifying Examination www.abperio.org May 59, 2025: 2025 Oral Examination THE ABP IS ON SOCIAL MEDIA@abperioThe American Board of Periodontology recently launched Instagram and Facebook accounts. Please like and follow the pages!@americanboardofperiodontology 36'