b"Eliminate the what-ifsinsurance is something you don't simply buy and set aside. You Once you secure a policy, you have peace of mind that yourewant to look at it every year as you progress through your career. covered in the case of an injury or illness. Dont assume thatAn experienced financial advisor should be able to guide you. degenerative conditions only affect older people. Anyone canI suggest you work with someone who knows not only about get sick, and anyone can be injured at any age.disability income insurance, but also has experience working with dentists and specialists. But if you get your DI insurance while you are young andHow much should you insure and for how long?healthy, and even a year later a health condition results in you filing a claimyou are protected. Once you have a policy, youOur suggestion to doctors looking for guidance on how much eliminate many of the what ifs in life. What if your healthof their income to insure is to protect as much of your income changes? What if you need to use your policy and didntas you can until you're financially independent. If you become buy one? We've seen many young doctors still in trainingindependently wealthy at 55 or 60, you can potentially self-insure experience health conditions or injuries, and when they havethe need for disability insurance. You may decide, I don't need a policy in place, they are obviously in a much better positionto pay for this anymore, I'm going to let it go. But you also have than if they delayed purchasing it.the option of maintaining the policy until you're 65 years old. You dont need to keep your policy forever. It's only until you're Dont disregard the student discount! financially independent, at which point you can decide to keep it If youre still in school, or a (very) recent grad, make sureor not. to take advantage of student discounts for disability incomeMultiple line discountsinsurance. Most companies offer it, and its highly advisable to buy DI when you are in still in school. If you are putting itIf youre an established doctor, or if you are looking to purchase off because you dont have time, remember that life is nota practice you may have several insurance needs in addition to going to get any less busy after graduation. You will have manydisability income. Most insurance companies offer discounts more decisions to make as you enter the working world, sowhen customers buy several products at once. Thats worth this really is the best time to buy. What if you forget to lock inkeeping in mind, too, as you explore DI.the discount? I dont know about you, but I really like to save money. You don't want to pay too much for insurance. If there'sDont delay!a training discount available to you, grab it while you can. I hope Ive made a solid case for why you need to go through Super flexible policies medical underwriting now. If you are a dentist or specialist or medical doctor reading this, then you need disability income As we mentioned earlier, one of the great things about DIinsurance. Perhaps this article is a reminder to call your advisor. policies is how flexible they are. There are many bells andIf it brought up any questions, dont hesitate to write me at whistles that can enhance a basic policy. Those features arejpantoja@treloaronline.comcalled riders and they allow you to tweak your policy to say,Good luck with your search for the policy thats right for you!make your student loan payments if you are not able to work, or they give you the option to easily increase your insuranceAbout Treloar & Heiselwithout undergoing medical underwriting. Features can beTreloar & Heisel, an EPIC Company, is a financial services added and subtracted along the way. You can even increase orprovider to dental and medical professionals across the country. decrease your base coverage. If you have the policy, that is Our insurance and wealth management divisions assist Your first business decision thousands of clients from residency through retirement. We strive to deliver the highest level of service with custom-tailored advice Buying disability insurance is one of the first business decisionsand a strong national network.you will make early on in your career. Research it, make the decision, and then review your limits each year. Disability 17"