b'American Academy of Periodontology PERIO STOREBROCHURES HANDOUTSBeyond the Mouth: The LinkPERIODONTITIS: GRADINGBetween Periodontal DiseaseGrading aims to indicate the rate of periodontitis progression, responsiveness to standard therapy, and potential impact on systemic health. See perio.org/2017wwdc for additional information. Progression Grade A: Grade B:ate rateRapid rSlow rateModer Grade C: ateand Other Health Conditions Primar progrect eession videncebone loss or loss / ag CAL e No l oss over 5 years2 mm over 5 years2 mm over 5 years pcriteriay Direct evidence ofRadiographic WheneverIndir % bone 0.250.25 to 1.01.0avaecilt eabvleid, encusede . of progressionCase phenotypeHeavy biofilm depositsDestruction commensurateDestruction exceedsdirshould bewith low le with biofilm deposits deposits; specific clinicdestruction vels ofexpectations given biofilm al eatt erns p sugrt diseogrgestive of perof r ly onse ession and/or iods arapid ase A patient-friendly overview of the perio-systemic link. modifier s Risk factorsSmokingNon-smoker10 cigarettes/dayatients10 cigarettes/dayGradediagnosis of dia HbA1c 7. with diabDiabetesNormoglycemic/no beteswith diabe0% in ptesHbA1c 7.0% in etespatients 50 pack Tables from Tonet AmericanS Ata ifi 1):cw ging and GriP n ading Periodontitiscademy of Periodontology (AAP) and the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP).i, Greenwell, Kornman. J Periodontol 2018;89class vieS159-ole S172. sit perioit.oris charg/20act17erizwsificwed by a dation of Pc for the cmultidimensieriodoomplentte suital and Ponal ste of eri-Implant Diaging andreviews, c asegrading systse defiasenition ps and Conditions rem. The charts bapers, and cesulonseelow ted in a nenspurovide ans reporw ts. The 2017at.World Workshop on the Clas (Supplof periodontover ase viPERIODONTITIS: STAGINGMEMBER PRICE: $34NON-MEMBER PRICE: $44 Staging intn sthitoulis adn be ses tseverity and extent of ament loss (CALta p maaytient atris dise Stage IId onexity ofr ladiogr ne lo onyted a .nd/or damaged tissue as a result Ini ends to classify thehe sping clinic te taseo th bease com av the measurong-ableteaphic borm am casount of destre mansas g(RBLeme) should be used. Tooth loss due to of tpial sterioagdoe d t ode atermined us ecific faalct atorsta tchh bu). If CAL is not plailable,perio.org/2017wwdc for additional information.PeriodontitisStage IStage IIIStage IV(ater sitdeent of gal CALreatest los )12 mm34 mm5 mm5 mm Int Severity RBL Coronal thirdCoronal thirdExtending to middleExtending to middle (15%)(15% - 33%)third of root and beyondthir oot and beyond(due t is)No tooth loss 4 teeth5 td of rTooth loss eethmplexityLocalo periodontitMax. pr MostlyM horizontalStagProbing depths IIn addition totrauma 4 mm5 mmIn addition t StagNeed fMostly obing depthax. pr obing depthe II complexity: oe III cor complexityomplex:bone losshorizontalbone loss6 mmrehabilitationVertic Masticatory ocy dy dueclusalsf tunction o:3 mm al bone lossvementSecondarCalm and Comfortable Co ent andn Add to stage asFor e age, describe extClass II or II (tooth mobil (1 s) thFurcation invol Severe ridge defity deectsgree 2) 20 opposing0 remainin pg tairedistributio descriptorLocach st eeth involent as:ved);Ext Generalizaed (30% of tlized; orMolar/incisor patternA patients guide to sedation and anesthesia for periodontal procedures. Chairside Guide to 50 pack Periodontitis Staging MEMBER PRICE: $34NON-MEMBER PRICE: $44 and GradingThis two-sided, laminated Crown Lengthening NEW chart outlines the new staging A patient-friendly description of the dental crownperiodontitis developed at the lengthening procedure. 2017 World Workshop. These 50 pack handouts are perfect to share with MEMBER PRICE: $34NON-MEMBER PRICE: $44 colleagues.10 packMEMBER PRICE: $20Dental ImplantsNON-MEMBER PRICE: $3050 packMEMBER PRICE: $34NON-MEMBER PRICE: $44How to Brush and Floss NEWA patient-friendly guide demonstrating the correct 50 packMEMBER PRICE: $34NON-MEMBER PRICE: $44What is Periodontal Periodontal Disease Treatment:Disease HandoutsHandouts explaining periodontal Restoring the Health of Your Smile disease, prevention, risk factors, A look at surgical and non-surgical periodontaland treatment.disease treatments. 50 pack50 pack MEMBER PRICE: $27 MEMBER PRICE: $34NON-MEMBER PRICE: $44 NON-MEMBER PRICE: $37Order online: perio.org/members/periostoreFree shipping on orders of $150 or more (for U.S. and Canada)Questions?Contact member.services@perio.orgNot a member?Join today at perio.org/join 312023 American Academy of Periodontology06/2024'