b'PresidentsmessageBY DR. STEPHEN MERAWseparate career paths and the ways in which the AAP has been a vital resource for them. You may be able to relate to some of these experiences and even gain some insight or advice you can take with you as you begin or continue your own career path.Stay connected with periodontics worldwide 5Presidents message by reviewing the International Periodontics 6 Knowledge sharing section of this issue on pg. 28. Here, we keep members informed about important 13 Ask the board meetings, collaborations, and more 14 Volunteer activitieshappening around the globe. In this issue, 15Dental Hygiene Study Club we have included an Australian and Spanish 16Why you need to go through medical edition of International Periodontics. underwriting for disability income insuranceAdditionally, we have highlighted an Sharing our knowledge with oneJohnson of Augusta University sharedinternational memberDr. Saravanan 202024 Virtual Insurance Workshops another is the best way to ensure wethat until now, the last time a civilianSampoornam Pape to learn more about 2024 Annual Meeting Live Insurance Workshops are not only staying ahead of the curveperiodontics residency programhis experiences as an international AAP 22Educator updates as periodontists, but also buildingtrained an Army periodontist at themember. meaningful connections. Each of ouruniversity was 20 years ago. Captain 23 Gen You experiences is unique and discussingDrew Gottwald and Captain KhalidThe 2024 Annual Meeting is only four 24 Welcome new members them is one of the best ways to ensureShafie, who will enter residency inmonths away and if youre not sure what 28International periodontics that we are making a difference and2025, shared the unique experiencesawaits you or need help choosing where constantly learning something new. Anand opportunities of their journeysto spend your time, a program highlights 29International member spotlight important topic this issue is periodonticswith us. Their stories celebrate theirsection can be found in this issue. Look 30 AAP Journals roundup in the U.S. Military and what that entails.dedication and the evolving landscapethrough the specially curated compilation 34 ABP update I believe this is a wonderful opportunityof periodontal education and practice.of cant-miss programming in San Diego on 38 Caring for others at home and abroad: for all of us to learn something new fromTo share your own story of howpg.10.AAP Foundation award recipients are our fellow peers and dive deeper into ayou are making a difference in yourPeriodontics is a unique specialty, and making a difference world we may not know much about. periodontal or general community forour members are all unique in the ways 40PerioDash is turning 10! In this theme, it is worth mentioning thatthe Beyond the Practice section, emailthey express their passions. Periospectives publicrelations@perio.org continues to highlight these experiences and Perio Profiles continued for the month of April with residents and new serviceAs you may recall from the last issueIm proud to share how our members have member periodontists sharing the bestof Periospectives, the Academy isbeen helping their communities and sharing parts of being a periodontist in thehighlighting four individuals andtheir knowledge and experiences. I hope you U.S. Military, some of which includedtheir periodontal paths in a newenjoy this unique theme as much as I have, not having to discuss finances withseries for 2024 called Gen You.and I hope to see you at the 2024 Annual patients and serving the very deservingThese individuals possess uniqueMeeting in San Diego to further connect. population who protect the Unitedexperiences that we will continue toSincerely, States.share as we follow their journeys andDr. Stephen Meraw check in on them periodically. ReadPresident Beginning on pg. 6, our feature Sharingpg. 23 to discover the challenges Knowledge continues with a look intothese individuals have faced on theirAmerican Academy of PeriodontologyArmy Periodontics. Colonel Thomas M. 5'