b'Annette KoElizabeth Miller Trevor Richmond Sheely TaylorPriyanka Kodaganallur Pitchu- Jonathan Misch Masooma Rizvi Fatemah Tayyibmani Jad MouradDiego Rodriguez Brook ThibodeauxAna Kodra Quan Nguyen Roxana Rodriguez Julie TokatlianDaniel Kruk-Leahy Lincoln Nguyen Nicole Rogers Andrew TongSara Kube Trisha Nguyen-Luu Paolo RojasSusana Torres ShortNupoor Sandeep Kulkarni Shale Ninneman Isolde Rojas-Rudolph Anna TostiMichael Lamb Kenechi Okany Erik Rose Hoang-Anh TranJessica Latimer Elsy Orellana Christina Rostant Edwin TsangJake Lazer Magdalena Orlowska Sonali Sapare Tiffany TsePo Lee Daniel Overfelt Aziz Saqr Livia ValverdeErin Lee Mirali Pandya Paula Schlemmer Lindsey Vander ZalmJoyce Lee Linda Park Erin Schwoegl Raziel VelgisKyujin Lee Anand Parmar Maria Sepulveda Michael VillaHsin-Chiang Lee Neril Patel Emily Sexton Brittany WallDaniel Leigh Niti Patel Shane Shafi Kelin WalshJesse Lemoine Nisarg Patel Omar ShehabChristopher WebbAndriy Leshkiv Raul Perez Mostafa Shehabeldin Corinthia WilkersonAgata Lesniewski Victor Perez Yusuf Sheikh Emma WoodRyan Levy Naiomy Perez Villanueva Ashley Shields Jesse WoonMegan Leyva Angie Perez-Celis Brett Silvers Theresa WorshamYi Te Lin Ellen Piehl John Smith YuChang WuJames Lovelace Jason Poon Megan Smith Anjali YadavAriana Maiberg Andrew Race John Snowden Natalie YamNasser Malek Mohammad Nivedhitha Ramesh Evelyn Spencer Jing YangKoby Martin Catherine Ramundo sarath Srinivasan Mina YoussefRuben Martin Seyedeh Maryam Razmi Chrysi Stavropoulou Jessie YuanCarsen McDaniel Umar Rekhi Ali Tanara Yingying Zhang2024 ORAL EXAMINATIONThe 2024 Oral Examination was held April 29May 3, 2024, in Raleigh, North Carolina. The following Periodontists served asNEW CONTINUING CERTIFICATION PROCESS Examiners for the 2024 Oral Examination. The Board is gratefulLAUNCHES FOR ALL DIPLOMATES IN 2025!for the commitment and dedication of all the Examiners who served this year. For more information about ABPerio Minute, please visit the ABP website at www.abperio.org. We look forward to ABP Directors: Drs. Angela Palaiologou Gallis; Paul Luepke;sharing this new educational tool with all Diplomates.Bryan Frantz; Rodrigo Neiva; Charles Powell; Craig Yonemura; Rich Kao; Leena Palomo; Nicolaas Geurs; Robert Faiella andNEW DIPLOMATE MERCHANDISE AVAILABLEDouglas Dixon. The ABP is pleased to offer for purchase a few products to ABP Examiners: Drs. Ramzi Abou-Arraj, Mary Aichelmann- promote your Diplomate status.Reidy, Srinivas Ayilavarapu, Jennifer Bain, Leslie Batnick,The newly redesigned Diplomate tri-fold brochure is ideal for Mitchell Bloom, Grishondra Branch-Mays, Hsun-Liang Chan,display in your reception area and provides your patients with Lewis Claman, Caitlin Darcey, John Dmytryk, Benjamin Duval,useful information about the value of seeing a board-certified Robert Eber, Kerri Font, Arnold Freedman, Alon Frydman,periodontist. Brochures are available in a standard format, or, Yusuke Hamada, Margaret Hill, Steven Hokett, Vincent Iacono,for a small additional, one-time fee, may be customized with Y. Natalie Jeong, James Katancik, Thomas Kepic, Binnazyour information. For the customized version, you may add Leblebicioglu, Paul Levi, Guo-Hao (Alex) Lin, Jose Mellado,your office contact information on the back of the brochure. Scott Mackey, Srinivas Rao Myneni Venkatasatya, Mary BethYou may also replace the cover photo with your own high-Neill, Tae-Ju Oh, David Paquette, Carlos Parra, Christopherresolution head shot photo, or you may opt to add both Richardson, Robert Sabatini, Mabel Salas Martinez, Hectorcustomization options to the brochure. Sarmiento, Harjit Sehgal, Harlan Shiau, Marc Stein, Dimitris Tatakis, Ricardo Vidal, and Roger Warren. Continued on page 3635'