b"The field of dentistry is constantly evolving, with advancements in technology andtechniques. This dynamic nature ensures that dentists are always at the forefront ofinnovation and can provide the best possible care to their patients.ensuring they work with us, not against us, in theira deep admiration for their selflessness andtransform a patient's smile, treatment plans. commitment to protecting our nation. Thisalleviate their dental troubles, sense of duty and patriotism fueled his desireand improve their overall well-He shared that he is incredibly excited to attendto contribute to the defense and security of hisbeing. It became evident to the esteemed civilian program at the UofL andcountry. him that dentistry was not just to train under the exceptional mentorship of Dr.a medical field but a unique Himabindu Dukka. The historical significance of thisIn my opinion, the Army presents ablend of science, artistry, and program, once led by Dr. Henry Greenwell, whoseunique opportunity for personal growthpatient care.research and mentorship have had a lasting impactand development. The prospect of facing on periodontology, adds to his enthusiasm. Thischallenges and overcoming obstacles in aIn addition to these personal opportunity represents a significant step towardsdynamic and ever-changing environment isexperiences, Captain Shafie fostering a stronger partnership between the Armyincredibly appealing to me. The Army offersalso developed a strong Dental Corps and the civilian academic dentala chance to push myself physically, mentally,interest in the sciences during community. Captain Gottwald believes that both canand emotionally, allowing me to discover myhis academic journey. The greatly benefit from this collaboration, and he hopestrue potential and develop essential skills suchintricacies of biology and to set a positive example for future Army dentists toas leadership, resilience, and adaptability.chemistry fascinated me, pursue and excel in civilian residencies. The prospect of serving in different locationsand I found joy in unraveling and being exposed to diverse cultures andthe mysteries of the human When asked what Captain Gottwald would like to bringexperiences also adds an element of adventurebody. Dentistry, with its strong back to the Army after completing his residency in ato the career. Captain Shafie deployed tofoundation in the biological civilian program, he pointed out, I've discussed thisAfghanistan in 2018 and is currently serving insciences, offered the perfect with Colonel Johnson, and my hope is to bring back aEgypt as part of the Multinational Forces andplatform for me to apply fresh perspective on periodontics. Different institutionsObservers. my passion for science in often emphasize various aspects of dentistry anda practical and hands-on procedural techniques, and I believe residenciesOne of the primary reasons Captain Shafiemanner. The prospect of are no different. I aim to share unique insightssays he chose a career in the Army is thecontinuous learning and and methodologies learned at the UofL with myopportunity to make a tangible difference in theprofessional growth in dentistry colleagues that trained at Fort Eisenhower, fosteringlives of others. The Army plays a crucial role ingreatly appealed to him. He an environment of mutual learning and continuoussafeguarding the freedoms and liberties we holdstates, The field of dentistry improvement in oral healthcare for our soldiers. dear. Whether it is providing humanitarian aidis constantly evolving, with in times of crisis, participating in peacekeepingadvancements in technology On a personal level, Captain Gottwalds long-term goalmissions, or defending our nation againstand techniques. This dynamic is to engage in the teaching side of Army dentistry. Ithreats, the Army allows me to contribute tonature ensures that dentists am a strong advocate of the see one, do one, teachsomething greater than myself. are always at the forefront of one model and aspire to educate the next generationinnovation and can provide of Army dentists or periodontists. To this end, I planIn Captain Shafies case, the decision to studythe best possible care to their to take continuing education modules through thedentistry was driven by a series of events andpatients. The opportunity to Uniformed Services University at Walter Reed Hospital,factors that shaped his passion for oral healthengage in lifelong learning focused on dental faculty development. Ultimately, mycare. As a child, he was always fascinated byand stay abreast of the latest goal is to ensure the Army Dental Corps is equippedthe medical field. The idea of helping othersdevelopments in the field was to provide the highest quality periodontal care and toand making a positive impact on people's livesa compelling factor in my mentor other healthcare providers to do the same. intrigued him. His mother's influence played adecision to pursue dentistry.pivotal role in guiding him toward a career in Captain Khalid Shafie said that the decision to pursuedentistry. As a dental hygienist herself, she notSo, what made Captain Shafie a career in the Army is not one that he made lightly.only instilled in me a passion for oral health butchoose periodontology? It required careful consideration, a deep sense ofalso served as an inspiration for my professionalI was captivated by the purpose, and a strong commitment to serving one'sjourney. Captain Shafie also had theintricacies of the periodontal country. Growing up, Captain Shafie developed aopportunity to shadow a family friend who was atissues and their crucial role strong sense of duty toward his country. The valuesdentist. This experience allowed him to observein maintaining oral health. of honor, loyalty, and sacrifice were instilled in himthe daily routines, patient interactions, and from an early age. As I witnessed the bravery andprocedures involved in the dental profession.Continued on page 8dedication of the men and women in uniform, I feltHe was captivated by the dentist's ability to 7"