b"AMERICAN BOARD OF PERIODONTOLOGYDIPLOMATE INTERVIEWWhen did you decide to pursue Board certification and why?Upon completing my residency at the University of Michigan, I was highly satisfied with the didactic and clinical training I received. I decided to pursue Board certification immediately after graduation, believing Guo-Hao (Alex) Lin, MS, DDS it was the optimal time to leverage the refreshed knowledge gained during my residency. Achieving Board certification was a career goal that enables Associate Professor & Program Director, me to confidently assure my patients that I have been Orofacial SciencesUniversity of California Sanrigorously evaluated by esteemed periodontists and am Francisco Dental Center qualified to provide the highest standard of care and up-to-date knowledge. Please tell us about your background andCould you tell us about your faculty role at how you became a periodontist. UCSF Dental Center?I was born and raised in Taiwan, where I earned my dental degree and practiced as a general dentist forAs the residency program director at UCSF Dental two years. During this time, I was inspired by patientsCenter, I enhance residents' didactic knowledge through who maintained their dentition for function andliterature review courses and supervise their clinical esthetics through periodontal treatment. Additionally,performance, including treatment planning and surgical witnessing patients regain their smiles after receivingoutcomes. Additionally, I collaborate with colleagues to proper implant treatment motivated me to pursue astrengthen the research component of the residency career in Periodontics. In 2013, I moved to the Unitedprogram, guiding residents in developing and conducting States to join the postgraduate periodontics programtheir own research projects. One of my career goals is to at the University of Michigan. In 2017, I becametrain residents to become Board-certified periodontists. a Board-certified periodontist, a milestone I amI always encourage them to pursue this certification, incredibly proud of. as the Board exam provides an excellent opportunity to showcase the clinical experiences and knowledge they have acquired during their residency. 32"