b'oral health report to help patientsto the clinic in collaboration withdelivery of oral care in patients with understand their own oral healthcomputational scientists who candementia.condition. Dr. Wang states this has beenemploy AI/ML strategies for data very successful because informationinterpretation. Dr. Byrd informedDr. Lee: With about oral health is presented in aPeriospectives that the grant wasthe help of patient-friendly manner, with clinicala catalyst for his teams currentthe Sunstar photos, noted radiographes, periodontalleadership within the Human Cell AtlasInnovation Grant, chart, plaque control heat map, andOral & Craniofacial Bionetwork, whichDr. Lee and odontograms. Extended active learningnow has transdisciplinary partnershipshis team were materials explaining their risk factorswith over 60 labs across 5 continents. able to develop the for caries and periodontal disease arePrecision Periodontal Health Care included as well as a customized oralDr. Geisinger: TheChart (PPHCC) in the electronic hygiene instructional video. The videogrant fundinghealth record system and share it was included as part of the packagehas helped Dr.with other institutions. The PPHCC for the patient, which tremendouslyGeisinger and heris an electronic form containing improved the efficacy of the home careteam parlay theirrisk factors and risk assessment therapy that was catered to individualwork into programsfor periodontitis. The dental care needs. The grant has also supportedthey have used toprovider answers the required Dr. Wang and his team in launching atrain caregivers (bothquestions in PPHCC, and then proof-of-principle pilot clinical trial. professional and familial) for individualsthe PPHCC provides the summary with moderate to severe dementia atof the periodontal charting, a 2019 over 10 facilities in the Birminghamsuggested periodontal diagnosis, Kevin M. Byrd, DDS, PhD, Maria L.area. The data they gathered indicatesa periodontal risk profile, and Geisinger, DDS, MS, and Chun-Teh Lee,that utilizing the Managing Oral Hygienethe risk factor information. This DDS, MS, DMSc, were each awardedUsing Threat Reduction (MOUTh)project has been further extended the AAPs Sunstar Innovation Grantprotocol to reduce care-resistantto create algorithms to suggest a in 2019 for their research projects,behavior (CRB) results in substantiallypreliminary periodontal diagnosis An Atlas of Experimental Gingivitislonger time spent on oral hygienebased on the information collected in Humans at Single Cell Resolution,activities, reduction in CRB, andby the PPHCC, as well as develop Development of Multimedia Educationalimproved oral health outcomes. Morea deep learning model to assess Materials for Caregivers to Enablerecently, a secondary analysis revealedradiographic bone level to assist Optimal Oral Hygiene Provisions fortailored strategies may be advantageousclinical diagnoses. According to the Patients with Dementia, and Improvingin subgroups of individuals livingresults of a survey done by Dr. Lee Periodontal Health through a Precisionwith dementia. Younger individualsand his team, dental care providers Periodontal Health Care Chart,who were less dependent uponand patients are highly satisfied respectively. caregivers for activities of daily livingwith the PPHCC. Patients are better demonstrated less response to MOUTheducated and motivated to receive Dr. Byrd: Sinceintervention whereas older individualstreatments and follow instructions receiving the grantwith higher levels of dementia andafter reading the evidence-funding, Dr. Byrdtaking more anti-psychotic medicationsbased information of risk factors. and his teamdemonstrated larger oral health benefitsClinicians can create a proper have enmeshedand reduction in CRBs when MOUThtreatment plan for patients based themselves inprotocols were used. Dr. Geisingerson the risk assessment results. The the ever-growinggroup recently submitted a federaltreatment outcomes have improved, community of single- grant proposal to further evaluate theand the risk of disease progression cell and spatial biologists at the axispotential for development and validityhas reduced with the use of of data generation, data integration,testing of a scalable web-basedPPHCC. standardized cell annotation, technologyapplication to provide training for CRB innovation, and ultimately applicationrecognition and amelioration during the AAP Periospectives| 9'