b'demonstrate their knowledge and understanding on all requiredensures that an individual has achieved and maintains a level of fields. I also enjoy interacting with other Directors, sharing ideas,education that will keep Periodontics as the preeminent dental and learning from them. specialty well into the future.Luepke: A great sense of professionalism and collaboration. Powell: Board certification will always maintain its importance We work together to improve the process and communication.for credentialing in organizations and interaction with third party I feel as if I get professional CE during most meetings andpayers. In the future, however, board certification will likely be conference calls. an important piece of demonstrating a commitment to lifelong Palomo: It is an honor to serve our learned profession as an ABPlearning in addition to other continuing education activities.Director. Pretty often, public media, policy makers, and thoughtKrayer: I believe the future will continue to demand clearer groups (which represent referring doctors) ask my opinion; I getdistinction between providers so the public can be best served to proudly advocate for the essential and unparalleled role weand effectively protected. Board Certification is part of those periodontists play in overall wellness. Our historic icons envisionedprocesses, and the American Board of Periodontology is that the ABP works hard to maintain public trust, and the publicpositioned to provide and oversee those processes.relies on that trust even today. I am blessed to have a vastNeiva: Ultimately, the board certification process elevates audience that hears me advocate for us using objective facts tothe level of periodontal care that is provided to patients every protect that public trust. day. Patients benefit the most when they are treated by Kao: I greatly enjoy the ABP experience because it helps meperiodontists that have studied and prepared to achieve the connect with fellow periodontists, residents, and people. We arehighest recognition in our specialty. Hopefully in the near future interested in promoting and maintaining the profession throughall periodontists practicing in our country will be certified by the the continuing mastering of the knowledge and skills necessaryAmerican Board of Periodontology.for providing the best periodontal and surgical dental implantLuepke: My hope is that the Diplomate has the desire to be care for the public. In working with ABP candidates, residents,the best possible health care provider and board certification and Diplomates, we work together toward these standards ofgives them a sense of accomplishment. I would like the Board to excellence for ourselves and the public. potentially provide additional programs of networking, leadership, Frantz: I really enjoy working with fellow Directors, staff, andand a unique forum of continuing education.the many Examiners that volunteer their time to ensure the ABPPalomo: It has been my privilege to witness how ABP certification process is of the highest quality. There are a number ofcertification steadfastly brings validity to the entire specialty! exciting projects the Board is currently developing, and I am excitedABP Diplomate status is the one and only gold standard of to contribute. Its really a great group of people to work with. excellence in the full scope of periodontal and implant treatment. Mariotti: Working with colleagues to establish, engage, andBoard certification confers a marketable, competitive advantage execute a strategic plan for the future, managing ABP resourcesin an increasingly competitive environment.responsibly, enhancing the public standing of the ABP, andKao: We have chosen a profession with many rapid informational strengthening programs and services. and technical advances. To keep abreast and implement these exciting developments and changes provides a continual What vision do you have for the impact of boardintellectual challenge which should be part of our life goals.certification for diplomates in the future? Frantz: Completing the Board Certification process made me Faiella: The most important challenge for the Board is to remaina better periodontist. To this day, it influences how I approach relevant to our Diplomates by providing value in their professionaland analyze my cases. My vision is that future candidates will lives. We are currently investigating an initiative to update thecontinue to experience the high-quality exam process from Maintenance of Certification process to a continuous learningthe qualifying exam through the oral exam and maintenance of model, aligned with current adult learning techniques such ascertification. Ultimately, this benefits patients. I encourage all active recall and spaced repetition, which will support exposure toperiodontists to challenge the board exam, regardless of their emerging advances through automated technology.years in practice. It is rewarding and we are the only specialty Palaiologou-Gallis: I consider becoming a Diplomate the highestthat certifies in both periodontics and dental implant surgery.achievement a specialist can accomplish. It is a testament toMariotti: The ABP can improve testing using contemporary the persons education and dedication to our specialty. Pursuingtechnology, enhance communication between Diplomates this honor is evidence of a Periodontists commitment to provideto prioritize the advancement of patient care and safety; excellent patient care and lifelong learning. provide vital outreach to healthcare stakeholders; and amplify Yonemura: With the ever evolving and expanding knowledgeeducational opportunities to boarded periodontists. required to be an outstanding periodontist, Board Certification AAP Periospectives| 47'