b'YOUR ACADEMY AT WORKA Smile (GKAS), an ADA sponsored program, whereby children who have dental needs are treated and dental education is provided. They then go home and teach their parents about what they learned during their visit.What tools do you use when advocating on behalf of periodontics?I use computer-based education as well as physical models such as pamphlets and brochures for specific procedures we perform in our office. CORNER I have a TV-based rotating internet channel in our lobby that provides up-to-date evidence-based periodontal information and knowledge about oral diseases and procedures to resolve their specific problem. For example, we define and break down the difference between deep cleanings, tooth cleanings and polish, periodontal maintenance, and adult prophies. This confusion very often leads patients into a trap whereby they believe they are being treated for gum problems or infections when in actuality they are not receiving the appropriate care for their situation. We also educate This new regular feature aims to share how the Academy is working toour patients chairside about the advocate on behalf of the specialty. Defining advocacy for a diverseimportance of professional routine membership is a difficult task, but hearing from individual members about whatperiodontal maintenance and proper they are doing to support periodontics helps provide a better understanding oforal homecare practices to manage this important concept. Dr. Roger Robinson from Florida shared his thoughts onand control their periodontal state.local advocacy. How does your work relate back What does advocacy mean to you?to the larger scope of the AAP?On behalf of my patients, my community, and members of the FloridaI am a collaborative partner with my Association of Periodontists, I have participated in organized dentistry at thepatients to achieve optimal oral and state level through the FDA activities and events with the Northeast Districtperiodontal health. When they engage Dental Association (NEDDA) as acting president dealing with regional concernswith my office, I let them know they about access to care issues. I have attended numerous Florida Board ofare part of a team of care. What they Dentistry meetings when certain groups imposed obstacles to providingdo for postop care or oral hygiene professional periodontal care. I spend time educating my patients aboutwhen they leave my office is the most daily oral health, specifically their periodontal health and the implications ofimportant part of their treatment. They inflammation as it relates to chronic disease processes in the body and itshave a vested interest in sustaining chronic impact to various organ systems. I also provide the knowledge to allowor increasing the quality of their lives my patients to be proactive members of their treatment and treatment team. Atthrough routine quality homecare and the community level, I like participating in outreach opportunities like Give Kidsprofessional visits. AAP Periospectives| 19'