b'ABP Diplomate InterviewThe mission of the American Board of Periodontology is to certify thespecialty provides the greatest satisfaction for me. Also, being achievement of in-depth knowledge and proficiency in the full scopeable to share and learn by advancing the examination process, of periodontology and dental implant surgery through examinationaligning the exam to the current practice domains, and and continuous certification. The Directors of the American Board ofworking to uphold the reputation of the Board and promote its Periodontology are responsible for the management and oversightvision and value to the public is critical to the ABP mission.of the organization. While exam development and administrationPalaiologou-Gallis: Becoming an ABP Director has been are central to the work of the Board of Directors, there are manythe highlight of my career. It is a great honor to be part of other significant responsibilities which require regular oversightan amazing group of individuals who are unique, extremely and expertise. The Board of Directors must provide prudent fiscalqualified, and dedicated to the continued improvement of the oversight. Directors must engage in regular strategic review andcertification process. I thoroughly enjoy being part of a team planning to ensure the future of the ABP. Directors must continuallyof outstanding people who dedicate their time and knowledge review and assess requirements for maintenance of certificationselflessly and tirelessly with the sole purpose of advancing our that meet the standards set by the National Commission onspecialty and the Board Certification process.Recognition of Dental Specialties and Certifying Boards. Directors are responsible for the establishment and review of a wide varietyYonemura: Working closely with other individuals who are of policies and procedures that govern the effective functioningcommitted to making the Board the best it can be has been of the exam process, the reliability and validity of the exams, theone of the most rewarding experiences of my professional maintenance of certification, and the administration of a 501(c)(3)career. I have learned from every Board Director, and I organization. continue to be impressed with the dedication, enthusiasm, and commitment each Director has for our organization.To provide some insight into the eleven people responsible for managing the American Board of Periodontology, we are pleasedPowell: I have enjoyed the range of activities I have been to present responses from each of the current Directors to twoinvolved with during my time on the ABP, but what I enjoy questions about the ABP and service on the Board. most is the people, whether it is my fellow Directors, the staff, or the candidates we examine. The energy and enthusiasm Robert A. Faiella, DMD, MMSc, MBAABP President; Angelathey all bring is amazing, and each decision that is made Palaiologou-Gallis, DDS, MSABP Vice President; Craigor project that is undertaken by the ABP is solely done Yonemura, DDS, MSSecretary/Treasurer; Charles A.to promote the Diplomate and ultimately strengthen the Powell, DDS, MSImmediate Past President; Directors: Joeprofession of Periodontics.Krayer, DDS, MS; Rodrigo E.F. Neiva, DDS, MS; Paul Luepke,Krayer: I most enjoy the opportunity to give back to my DDS, MS; Leena Bahl Palomo, DDS, MSD; Richard T. Kao,specialty. Serving as a Board Examiner first then being elected DDS, PhD; Bryan J. Frantz, DMD, MS; and Angelo Mariotti,to a Director position has given me great satisfaction in DDS, PhD. being able to add to the ongoing processes that make up the What do you enjoy most about your current work as aAmerican Board of Periodontology and the processes involved Director? with Board Certification.Faiella: The opportunity to work with dedicated Director colleaguesNeiva: I enjoy being involved in the process of creating to guide candidates in their journey to be an exemplar of ourcomprehensive, but still fair, exams that can help candidates AAP Periospectives| 46'