b'SCIENCE & INNOVATIONScope of Clinical Advances in Periodontics expanded to include new contentTo better meet your needs as clinicians andstudies, and database studies. These articlesAll CAP submissions must adhere to educators, Clinical Advances in Periodonticsare not intended to replace clinical researchthese guidelines now.(CAP), the Academys premier translationalin the Journal of Periodontology (JOP). Both journal, is undergoing a transformation injournals will publish original clinical researchWhile you will see the new page design scope and design. with careful assessment and balancing bymoving forward, it will take a few printed the editors, reviewers, and editorial boards. issues of CAP to finish publishing legacy A preview of future changes was presentedcontent.in the Dec. 2022 special issue on The UseCase Studies: Highly relevant, unusual, of Biologics in Clinical Practice. Specifically,and/or top-quality case reports; valuableClinical Advances in Periodontics will this issue featured a new page designand innovative technical approaches;continue to evolve to align with the vision and article formatting for case studies,or practical application/translation ofof a new Editor-in-Chief and strategic perspectives, and review articles. evidence-based concepts. priorities of the Academy and Wiley. This is the first chapter of an exciting new The new scope will expand CAPs corePerspectives: Provocative commentaries,story for CAP!mission of translating research andideas, or opinions supported by data and knowledge into practical clinical applicationsliterature, with the goal of sparking debate by providing all levels of evidence to enableand stimulating future research avenues.clinical decision making in the management of periodontal and peri-implant diseasesReview Articles: Systematic reviews, and conditions. preferentially including meta-analyses, and high-quality narrative reviews on highly Co-Editor Dr, Purnima Kumar and formerrelevant and/or innovative topics related Co-Editor Dr. Gustavo Avila-Ortiz have ledto the practice of periodontics and implant these efforts over the past few years, withdentistry.support from Associate Editors Drs. Anna Dongari-Bagtzoglou, Thomas Oates, andEditorials: Topics of interest to readers, Frank Scannapieco; former Editor-in-Chiefsuch as important discoveries, news, Dr. Kenneth Kornman; AAP editorial staffevents, and commentaries on featured and Wiley. articles published in CAP.Since its inception, CAP has successfullyCorrespondence: Letters to the editor documented unusual cases and therapeuticand author responses regarding published innovations, Dr. Kumar said. This newarticles.expansion will serve readers in all levels ofEducation: Solicited patient education clinical decision making, ultimately helpingmaterials, or those that can be used to clinicians provide the highest level ofenhance communication with the lay public. personalized care to patients. Dr. Avila-Ortiz added, Ive been honored to participate inOnline Only Materials: Videos, podcasts, this collective process with my colleagues.and other digital materials that accompany CAP is entering a new era, and we believeresearch articles or case studies. Also, its positioned well for a bright future. how to videos of novel techniques or New and updated content includes: innovative use of products/technology.Research Articles: Interventional andThe author guidelines were updated in late observational clinical research, includingJanuary to reflect the expanded scope and RCTs, quasi-RCTs, prospective cohortcontent sections and can be accessed at: studies, cross-sectional studies, case-controlhttps://aap.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/AAP Periospectives| 38'