b'2023 Virtual Insurance Workshops Looking to expand your codingDental Insurance Workshopsexpertise? Join the AAPs Third- Date Registration DeadlineParty Specialist, Michelle Flesch, for the AAPs virtual insuranceThursday, April 13Wednesday, April 5 workshops! These live workshopsFriday, August 11Thursday, August 3 teach attendees how to correctlyFriday, December 1Tuesday, November 21submit and manage both dental and medical insurance claims.Medical Insurance WorkshopsWorkshops are intended for officeDate Registration Deadlinestaff and members in privateFriday, April 14Wednesday, April 5 practice.Friday, August 25Thursday, August 17 The workshops will be held live viaFriday, December 8Thursday, November 30Zoom on the following dates from 10 a.m.1 p.m. Central Time. The American Academy of Periodontology designates this activity for 2.75 continuing education credits.Visit www.perio.org/for-members/insurance-reimbursement-and-third-party-issues/ for more information about the workshops and to register!AAP Periospectives| 10'