b'YOUR ACADEMY AT WORKCandidate for secretary/treasurerMy Fellow Academy Members,I am honored to have been nominated by the Officer Nominating Committee as Secretary/Treasurer of the AAP. I am a Board-certified 1985 Graduate of the LSU School of Dentistry, where I also completed programs in AEGD and Periodontics. I have owned a private practice for 35 years, through which I have acquired a diversified resum of leadership experiences, Kristi Soileauwhich have solidly readied me for a forward-thinking tenure as your Secretary/Treasurer.DDS, MEd, MSHCE, Besides the AAP Board having elected me to the Executive Committee for 2022, I have also FACD, FICD served on the AAPs Volunteer Qualifications and Awards Committee (VQAC), New Periodontist, Audit, Finance, Strategic Planning, Research Submissions, Contract Review, and ADA Liaison Committees. I have served as Chair of both the State and Regional Assembly Coordinating and Election Oversight Committees. I ardently support the AAP Foundation and have worked with its post-doctoral education volunteer programs, while serving as part-time gratis faculty for LSU residents for the past decade. I am the faculty advisor for the LSUSD Student Ethics and Professionalism Association, have served on the Faculty Senate, am a Past President of the Schools Alumni Board, was its We shouldAlumna of the Year, and currently serve on the LSU Health Sciences Center Foundation Board. I have served as President of the New Orleans and Louisiana Dental Associations, the Southwest Society of Periodontists, and have been New Orleans Dental Association Editor for prioritize thosethe past 32 years.issues that are I am a 9-year Delegate to the ADA House, Regent for ACD Area 6, Deputy Regent for the Louisiana ICD Chapter, and was appointed to the ADA Council on Ethics, Bylaws, and Judicial vital to AcademyAffairs to the CE Committee of CDEL. I have a 1988 Masters in Education from the University of New Orleans, a 2017 Masters needs, whilein Health Care Ethics from Creighton University, and have worked in nursing facility dentistry for over 30 years.simultaneouslyCertainly, our Academy does have concerns to be identified and fortified, and I will use my diverse experiences to guide innovative problem solving, particularly regarding three of the imposing working forissues impacting Periodontics currently: enkindling membership enthusiasm, empowering through advocacy, and promoting our unparalleled science/education powerhouse towards gaining the good ofmomentum in medical, dental hygiene, and legislative arenas.Membership is our mainstay and lifeblood. If the AAP is to grow in relevance, member the whole ofvoices are needed. The Academy exists to support periodontics and the periodontist. I encourage you to be a portal of information to the Board because having more engaged members dentistry. throughout our specialty can carry significant impact for the Whole. Biannual virtual Town Halls, as well as the District Forums and the General Assembly held at AAP Annual Sessions, are too often under-utilized means by which to exchange and nurture proliferative information. Further, the recently instituted LEAD program for newer periodontists is receiving rave reviews. I will continue to push for more avenues that seek to nourish leadership, AAP Periospectives| 14'