b'FOR YOUR PRACTICEContributed by What dental professionals need John A. Adcock, CLU , ChFC, CFPRegional Vice Presidentto know about data breaches Treloar & Heisel Wealth Managementin their personal livesIn our fast-moving and increasingly technology-based society, most dental professionals are aware of the need for IT security. Even so, the best security systems can be breached; data breach insurance provides another layer of protection against hackers and ransomware attacks. Hackers target medical and dental offices to steal sensitive personal information including financial data, social security numbers, and health information. Ransomware How are youperpetrators will freeze up a computer and only release it upon payment of some large amount of moneyeffectively kidnapping your computers protected and whatcapabilities until you comply with the ransom request. would you do in theProtect your practiceWhile the prospects of having to navigate either of these scenarios is unfortunate eventunpleasant, dental professionals are required by law (HIPAA) to have certain measures in place to ensure the security of patient data, and many Business that you were theOwners Policies (BOP) include clauses for data breaches, in addition to riders (add-on clauses) that allow you to amplify your coverage for cyber-attacks.victim of this kindAnd dont forget to protect yourself personally of assault? But are you aware of the need for insurance to protect yourself against such attacks? Yes, your home computer, phone, or tablet could just as likely be a target of a security breach. How are you protected and what would you do in the unfortunate event that you were the victim of this kind of assault?AAP Periospectives| 22'