b'AAP FOUNDATIONMeet the Foundation BoardThe AAP Foundation would not be able to carry out its mission without the efforts of its dedicated leaders. We are grateful to these loyal individuals for their vision, support, and leadership. Meet the 2022-2023 AAPto periodontal spokespersons, and leadan award recipient, I am proud to be a Foundation Board of Directors:researchers who are finding innovative wayspart of the AAP Foundation and I am to guide our therapies. The AAPF is criticalforever grateful for the positive impact it OFFICERS for guiding the future of Periodontics. Ihas made on my career.President: Joan Otomo-Corgel, became active in the leadership to be partDr. Colin Richman says, I cannot DDS, MPH of the solution. To enhance communication between the AAPF and the AAP, AAPthink of a more worthy cause to Vice-President: John R. Herrin, officers also sit on the Foundations Board.supportgiving back to our profession DDS, MS Dr. Chris Richardson adds, The AAPand specialty, which has been so Secretary-Treasurer: Lisa B. Masters,Foundation is critical to the long-termimportant to my career in dentistry as DDS, MS success of our specialty as it has madewell as my familys short- and long-Immediate Past President: such a significant impact in the periodontalterm successes. Beneficiaries of our Flavia Q. Pirih, DDS, PhD, FACD academic community. Many academiciansfinancial commitments will include chose a career path in education that theyimproved oral and systemic health for DIRECTORS otherwise would not have been able tothe communities we are privileged follow without the economic support of theto serve, as well as new knowledge Caitlin D. Darcey, DMD, MS Foundation. This has translated into havingrelative to the treatment strategies of Irina F. Dragan, DMD, MS dedicated men and women ensure that dentalchallenging oral diseases. Specifically, Purnima S. Kumar, DDS, PhD students across the country understand theinterested young periodontal importance of periodontal health. researchers now have a substantial Stephen J. Meraw, DDS, MS financial resource enabling them to Erin ODonnell Dotzler, MPP, Ex Officio Dr. Flavia Pirih, Immediate Pastperform cutting edge research in the David K. Okano, DDS, MS President of the Foundation who serves asimportant ortho-perio discipline.Professor, Tarrson Family Endowed Chair Chris R. Richardson, DMD, MS,in Periodontics and Chair of the Division ofDr. Irina Dragan adds, I am honored Diplomate, ABP Regenerative and Reconstructive Sciencesto serve as an AAPF Board Member Colin Richman, DMD at UCLA, says, I serve on the AAPamong a distinguished group of Foundation Board because this organizationcolleagues and friends. The support David H. Yu, DDS, MS is key to empowering our profession. TheI received from the AAPF allowed AAP Foundation, in addition to supportingme to serve the profession in various HONORARY DIRECTOR the future of periodontal education,roles and capacities. I believe it is Linda Tarrson collaborates with the AAP on manymy responsibility to give back, as the initiatives, including the LEAD programsupport of the AAPF impacts multiple Foundation President Dr. Joanwhich is responsible for fostering youngstakeholders, including patients.Otomo-Corgel says, Got a problem?leaders who will represent our specialty. As Then look for a solution! The AAP Foundation has been essential in supporting the future of periodontics by providing a platform for our leaders,If you are interested in volunteering with the AAP researchers, educators, administratorsFoundation, please email dana@perio.org. and for directing the future of ourOpportunities are available for Ambassadors, Student specialty. Look at where our award recipients are today; from DeansAmbassadors, selection committee members, and more. of dental schools to Department Chairs, leaders in organized dentistry AAP Periospectives| 48'