b'The partnerships the Academy has built thus farFinally, the Academy will execute the new Dental allow it to continue to grow and provide the bestHygiene Study Club Program and related hygiene member value. The AAP will continue to cultivateoutreach activities. Hygienists play an enormous partnerships with other dental and health organizations,role in identifying gum disease and referring to nurturing relationships with the American Board ofperiodontists. The Academy intends to cultivate Periodontology (ABP), the American Academy ofthese professional collaborations to ensure Periodontology Foundation (AAPF), the Americanholistic oral health for patients. Dental Association (ADA), Dental Services Group (DSG), and international dental organizations. It will alsoObjective 5: Cultivate leadershipliaison with key government entities to identify areas ofThe Academy will keep moving forward with interest and opportunity for periodontists and membersits Leadership, Engagement, Action, and (NIDCR, CDC).Development (LEAD) Program to identify Objective 3: Advance sciencefuture leaders in periodontics, cultivate the necessary skills to ensure success, and inspire Next to its members, advancing the profession isa commitment to advance the profession. A one of the Academys biggest priorities. In 2023, thenew initiative for 2023 will be to identify ways Academy will continue to share innovative work in thein which LEAD alumni may serve as AAP Journal of Periodontology (JOP) and Clinical Advancesambassadors. in Periodontics (CAP) and implement new content and digital enhancements to both publications. It willThe Academy highly values its relationshipsalso continue to promote the 2017 Classification ofwith the ABP and AAPF and is looking forwardPeriodontal and Peri-implant Diseases and Conditions.to collaborating with both for mutual organizational success. Objective 4: Increase awareness of periodontal and peri-implant health Objective 6: Sustain organizational viabilityThe Academy will continue to move forward with andThe Academy sustains organizational viability amplify its diverse marketing, public relations, andthrough timely budget analysis and financial patient education activities through its website andreporting, as well as a commitment to preserving social media channels. It will utilize different mediumsand developing corporate partnerships. In to promote the importance of periodontal health among2023, the AAP anticipates bolstering corporate allied medical and dental professionals by developingrelationships and differentiating sponsorship member resources and cultivating media relationships.offerings, as well as implementing changes to its Additionally, it will leverage a see a periodontistpolicy manual, in conjunction with a professional call-to-action in patient education content and publicparliamentarian. relations activities. AAP Periospectives| 7'