b'The AAP makes an effort to support state and federal legislationenrich the co-management of periodontal that impacts its membership. patients through study club resources as well as a hygienist recognition program.There are two concreate goals the AAP will pursue in achieving this objective. The first involves regular communication betweenObjective 5: Cultivate leadershipmembers and Academy leadership. This is one of the manyThe AAP Board of Trustees is always goals that the AAPs new District Townhalls hope to fulfill. Thelooking toward the future. The Academys second is to continue to cultivate partnerships with other dentalsuccessful Leadership, Engagement, and health organizations. These include the American Board ofAction, and Development (LEAD) program Periodontology (ABP), the American Academy of Periodontologywill continue to give AAP leaders of Foundation (AAPF), the American Dental Association (ADA),tomorrow the chance to build and cultivate Dental Services Group (DSG), and international dentaltheir skills, while providing a platform for organizations. their voices to be heard.Objective 3: Advance science As the organization looks to the future, One of the greatest contributions the Academy makes to theits relationship with the ABP and AAPF field of periodontology (besides of course its members) is theremains as important as ever. As part of research and science that continues to drive the profession intothis objective, the AAP will continue to a new era. In addition to continuing the innovative work sharedexplore new ways to collaborate with these in the Journal of Periodontology (JOP) and Clinical Advancesvaluable organizations. in Periodontics (CAP), there are several new initiatives plannedObjective 6: Sustain organizational for 2022. One of these initiatives is the Task Force on Future Science Strategy which met on March 7 to develop the futureviabilityscience plan. It will also see the launch of a young investigatorThe Academy prides itself on its think tank.financial health and management. This Additionally, the Academy will host the next Best Evidenceis achieved year after year, in hard times Consensus, on biologics, in April. The results of this consensusand prosperous times, through timely will be shared in JOP and CAP.budget analysis and financial reporting, as well as a commitment to preserving Objective 4: Increase awareness of periodontal health and developing corporate partnerships. In 2022, the Academy will continue its robust social media,For 2022, there will also be an increased public relations, and patient education activities. The largest stepfocus on the backend technology used the Academy intends to take in regard to increased awareness ofto run the organization. This includes periodontal health will be the 2022 Dental Hygiene Engagementmigrating key systems to the cloud, Initiative. Spearheaded by the Task Force on Dental Hygieneidentifying efficiencies between platforms, Engagement, the Academy is working on a multi-facetedand mitigating security and privacy risks in initiative which will put the individual periodontist in a position ofa remote work environment.mentorship for their dental hygiene colleagues. The goal of the Hygiene Engagement Initiative is to further enhance collaborative relationships between periodontists and dental hygienists and AAP Periospectives| 7'