b'New periodontistcornerGet to know AAPIs there a piece of advice you received that you try to implement daily?member and newJust be yourself and do the right thing youll sleep better periodontist, at night. What do you like to do after work?Dr. Adam Saltz. There is a new spin studio that opened. Im hoping to instruct someday. If Im not eating out in Portland, Dr. Saltz completed his training in 2020 at the University of Texas- Im usually there. Were lucky to have so many great San Antonio. He works in private practice at Corey + Then in Southrestaurants. Portland, ME, and serves as assistant professor at University of New England College of Dental Medicine. Outside of work, what is the one thing you do What is the first thing you do in the morning? every day that brings you joy?I love to play tennis. In the summer, Ill meet friends on the Make a double espresso and jam out to Mint on Spotify once ImEastern Prom after work. You cant beat match play against on the road.a backdrop of Casco Bay. How do you schedule your day? Any advice you would give to a periodontist Each day is different. I use a weekly planner to stay organized. Its athat has recently graduated?little old school, but it helps coordinate my work, school, committee, and study club schedules. Im at the office until 4 p.m., then havePrioritize your physical and mental health. There are good meetings most nights. Its a nice mix of activities. days and bad. Its easy to be hard on yourself as a new graduate with so much to prove. Dont be afraid to turn to What is the most challenging part of your day? your friends, family, and mentors for help. Always carve out Staying on track. With seven hygienists and a dedicated post-optime for yourself. column, it took time to balance my day with their recalls and follow- Want to be profiled in an upcoming issue?ups. Ive gotten used to the pace.Contact Membership Coordinator Ashley Barnstable at What is the most rewarding part of your day? ashley@perio.org.Connecting with patients. Im probably too social at times (ask my assistant), but I truly enjoy getting to know my patients and their families throughout treatment. AAP Periospectives| 34'