b'SCIENCE & INNOVATION2021 Award WinnersContinued from page 41glucose intolerance explained by an increase in theiridentifying targets for immune modulation therapeutics to inflammation resolution capacity. They had higher resolvingresolve inflammation and advance precision medicine by to inflammatory blood monocytes ratio and increasedmapping resolution capacity. utilization of excess calorie intake. Parameters such as resolving to inflammatory blood monocytes ratio may onePantea Nazeman, DDS, MSD day contribute to the assessment of periodontitis andUniversity of Washington, Seattle, WAcan be incorporated as a grade modifier for periodontitisWinner - Clinical Science and Clinical classification. Also, assessing cell surface expression ofImpact, Research Forum Poster resolution receptors such as ERV1 can be used to identifyCompetitionindividuals that are more likely to respond to targetedIdentifying Implant Systems Using a Computer therapy with resolving mediators.Algorithm: A Preliminary StudyWhat challenges did you face while conducting yourCan you briefly explain the results of yourresearch, and how did you overcome them? winning research?My program here at Harvard School of Dental Medicine isWe all know that identifying implant systems is a crucial a combined periodontology residency and DMSc degree.part of treating/restoring implants. Not knowing the implant It was very challenging for me to juggle my basic researchsystem complicates all parts of the treatment. We developed training along with my residency training. It had beenan artificial intelligence (AI) model to automatically recognize crucial for me to learn to manage my time efficiently todifferent implant systems. We compared the performance make the most out of my training in both areas (clinical andof the computer model and humans for various implant research). I am also very grateful for my research mentor,types. The results demonstrated that the performance of the Dr. Corneliu Sima, who is a clinician scientist, for hiscomputer algorithm is on par or in some cases even better support and guidance during my training. than human performance for the set of implants we studied.How will winning this award affect your work How will winning this award affect your workgoing forward?going forward?I am incredibly honored to receive the basic scienceThis award was an expression of high demand for this research award. This achievement would have not beentechnology in dentistry. Hence, I am working on expanding my possible without the support of my program director,research to include more implant systems and to develop more Dr. David Kim, and research mentor, Dr. Corneliu Sima.comprehensive algorithms.Winning this award is definitely motivating. I would like to thank the AAP for encouraging residents and youngWhat challenges did you face while conducting your periodontists to take part in research to advance theresearch and how did you overcome them?science behind periodontology.The greatest challenge of this study was collection and Looking back, what was it that first sparked yourannotation of data. To diversify the implant systems in our interest in pursuing a career in periodontology? study, I visited several private practices to find radiographs of implant systems not available at the University of Washington. There are many aspects of periodontology that fascinateAfter collecting the data, I annotated more than 2,000 me. In dental school I always enjoyed the science andradiographs, which was quite a tedious task. biology behind our specialty. Then during my general practice residency training, I was more involved withWhat led you to pursue this research topic? Was there clinical practice and patient care, which is when I decidedanything that inspired your researchto pursue postgraduate training in periodontology.AI applications have become ubiquitous in our daily life: virtual Periodontology is a dynamic field that involves multipleassistants, self-driving cars, and smart security cameras. I treatment modalities and is always evolving whichnoticed a gap between traditional dentistry and the modern makes it very interesting.On top of that, the strong linkdigital world. There were several instances where I could not between periodontal and systemic health places a hugerecognize an implant system or a colleague reached out to responsibility on us to continue studying the diseaseask for help to identify an implant system. This inspired me to process. I hope through our work we can get closer toutilize AI to assist clinicians in diagnosis and treatment.AAP Periospectives| 42'