b'American Academy of Periodontology PERIO STOREBROCHURESBeyond the Mouth: The Link Between Periodontal Disease and Other Health ConditionsA patient-friendly overview of the perio-systemic link.50 pack|$30 What is Periodontal Disease HandoutsHandouts explaining periodontal disease, prevention, risk factors, Calm and Comfortable and treatment.A patients guide to sedation and anesthesia for50 pack|$25 NEW! periodontal procedures.50 pack|$30PERIODONTITIS: GRADINGGrading aims to indicate the rate of periodontitis progression, responsivvidence teness to shift to sto grandarade A or C.d therapy, and potential impact on systemic health. See perio.org/2017wwdc for additional infade B diseormation. Clinicians should initially assume gr ase and seek specific eSlow rateModer Grade C: ateProgression Grade A: Grade B:ate rateRapid rPrimary Direct evidence of bone loss or CALNo loss over 5 years2 mm over 5 years2 mm over 5 yearscriteria Radiographic W adir vailab progrect eession vidence% bone loss / age0.250.25 to 1.01.0henevleer, Indirshould be used. of progressionCase phenotypeHeavy biofilm depositsDestruction commensurateDestruction exceedsect evidence with low levels ofwith biofilm deposits expectations given biofilm al destructiondeposits; specific clinicattapid pr ase of r erns suggt diseogrestive of periods parly onsee ession and/or Grademodifier s Risk factorsSmokingNon-smoker10 cigarettes/dayatients10 cigarettes/day atients Diabe tesNormoglycemic/no tesHbA1c 7.0% in p HbA1c 7.0% in ptes diagnosis of diabe with diabeteswith diabeThe 2017 World American AWorkshop on the Classification of P y (AAP) and the E eri ur-Imlant Diseases and Conditions w esented by the cademy of Periodontologeriodontal and P opepan Federation of Periodontology (EFas coP-pr).Staging and Grading PeriodontitisDental ImplantsTables from Tonetti, Greenwell, Kornman. J Periodontol 2018;89 (Suppl 1): S159-S172. esulted in a newor damaged tissue as a result classific . Please visit perio.org/2017wwacterized by a multidimensional stdcation of P for the ceriodontomplete suital and Pe of reri-Implant Diseaging and greviews, case definition pading systases and Conditions rem. The charts below prapers, and consensus rovide an eports.The 2017 World Workshop on the Classificoverviewation of periodontitis charPERIODONTITIS: STAGINGof periodontitis and t erity and extent of a patients disease based on the measurable amount oerm case managf destrementoyed and/. Staging intends to classify the sevo assess the specific factal attorachment loss (CAL). If CAL is not avs that may attribute to the compleailable, rxity of long-tadiographic bone loss (RBL) should be used. Tooth loss due to Initial stage should be determined using clinicage definition. One or more complexity factors may shift the stage to a higher level. See perio.org/2017wwdc for additional information.Highlights the benefits of dental implants. periodontitis may modify st reates t los)Stage IStage IIStage IIIStage IVPeriodontitis (at sitdentInter e of gal CAL 12 mm34 mm5 mm5 mm Severity Coronal thirdCoronal thirdExtending to middleExtending to middle50 pack|$30Comple xity RBL ss (15%)(15% - 33%)ontalthird of root and beyondthird of root and beyond o: th Tooth loo periodontitis) No tooth loss 4 teeth5 teeth(due tLocalMax. pr Max. probing depthIn addition t In addition t4 mm obing depth ontalMostly horiz StagProbing depths Stage III cor complexity:o omplexMostly horiz 5 mme II complexity: orehabilitation due tbone loss bone loss6 mmNeed fVertical bone loss Masticatory dysfunction 3 mm(tooth mobility deModerate ridge defectsSevere ridgy oce defclusal trectsgree 2) auma Furcation involvement SecondarClass II or IIIBit maining te 2e c0 reollapse, drifting, flaring(10 opposing pairs)distribution Add to storagLocach stage, describe exteeth involved);ent as:Extent and descript e asFor e ed; orGeneralizalized (30% of tMolar/incisor patternChairside Guide to Periodontitis Staging and GradingPeriodontal Disease Treatment:This two-sided, laminated chart Restoring the Health of Your Smile outlines the new staging and A look at surgical and non-surgical periodontalgrading classifications of disease treatments. periodontitis developed at the 2017 World Workshop.These 50 pack|$30 handouts are perfect to share with your dental staff and referring colleagues.10 pack|$16Order online: perio.org/members/periostoreFree shipping on orders of $99 or more (for U.S. and Canada)AAP Periospectives| 312021 American Academy of Periodontology'