b'YOUR ACADEMY AT WORK2022 AAP elections and nominationsThe 2022 Academy election campaign period is officiallyvisitwww.perio.org/aap-election-slate/ and review the candidate underway! The AAP is pleased to provide an inclusive and easyinformation provided. way for members to engage in the governance of the Academy. The Academy is always seeking qualified candidates for future elections. A total of 37 candidates are seeking election for nationalElected district positions include Trustee, Officer Nominating Committee, and district level positions. The campaign period runs fromand ABP Nominating Committee. National level positions include January 1 through June 30. Beginning in April, Active andSecretary-Treasurer and ABP Director. If you are interested in running for Life Active members will receive three electronic statementsa district or national position in the 2023 elections, we encourage you from candidates running for office in their district and in theto please reach out to your District Trustees for additional information national elections.and visit the AAP website at www.perio.org/for-members/aap-organizational-information/aap-elections/nomination/In addition to the three electronic candidate statements, candidates for Secretary-Treasurer and ABP Director will haveLastly, the Academy has a robust elections and nominations policy. All the opportunity to participate in the virtual candidate forum,are encouraged to become familiar with campaign policy. Frequently which will become available on the election webpage beginningAsked Questions are available on the website at: www.perio.org/in May. Please familiarize yourself with these candidate videofor-members/aap-organizational-information/aap-elections/statements to make informed decisions regarding your vote. election-policies/Active and Life Active AAP members will be able to vote inParticipating in the Academy election is your opportunity to affect and the upcoming 2022 election beginning June 1. Ballots will beshape the future of our Academy and specialty. Every vote matters, and distributed to all eligible voting members by June 1. Votingwe thank you in advance for your participation!may be done electronically or by mail. The AAP is fortunate to have a slate of highly qualified candidates running for electedIf you have any questions, contact Amanda Williams atoffice this year. To make an informed decision based onamanda@perio.org candidate qualifications and their personal statements, please AAP Periospectives| 14'