b'AAP FOUNDATIONIntroducing the AAP Foundation Board of DirectorsYou may be familiar with the AAPVice President: JoanI have a deep desire to serve our Foundation as the charitable sisterOtomo-Corgel,specialty and help our AAPF grow organization of the AAP, but did youDDS, MPH towards a brighter future. Broadening know that the Foundation has itsPrivate Practicethe reach and appeal of our Foundation own Board of Directors? The AAPLimited toto help increase participation of our Foundations Board is comprisedPeriodontics with Dr.AAP members is part of my vision. I of leaders across the specialty, inWilliam Matoska andbring a passion for teamwork, fiscal academia and private practice. TheDavid Chanook Ahnresponsibility, leadership, and the long-AAPs President, President-Elect, andClinical Professor UCLA School of Dentistryterm viability of our specialty to our Immediate Past President are also Department of PeriodonticsAAPF Board of Directors.invited to serve on the FoundationsFaculty Greater Los Angeles VA Health Board.Care SystemDental Service-PeriodontalImmediate Past Residency President: Diego Meet the AAP Foundations currentVelasquez, DDS, MSD Board of Directors: Dr. Otomo-Corgel is a longtime supporterPrivate Practice in of the AAP Foundation and has servedFenton, MI President: Flavia Q.on the Board before in her capacity asAdjunct Clinical Assistant Pirih, DDS, PhDPresident of the AAP. She says, No punProfessor, University of Associate Professorintended, but I chose to serve on the AAPMichigan School of DentistryTarrson FamilyFoundation Board to put my money where Endowed Chair inmy mouth is. Periodontists are concernedIn 2001, Dr. Velasquez was awarded Periodonticsabout periodontists not teaching perio. Thethe AAP Foundations Dr. and Mrs. UCLA School ofAAP Foundation has a stellar track recordGerald M. Kramer Scholar Award for Dentistry of keeping periodontists in education,Excellence. Since then, he has shown research, and leadership positions. Thestrong support for the AAP Foundation. Dr. Pirih began her journey withAAPF has been a critical part of helpingHe says, To serve our specialty and the AAP Foundation as a Studentresidents succeed, supporting science,to give back were the main reasons Ambassador during her residency atand developing our future leaders throughI agreed to join the AAPF Board of the University of Michigan. She wentsymposia, the LEAD program, andDirectors. The AAPF is important to on to become a Foundation Educatorworkshops (i.e., the Disease Classificationme because it embodies the collective Scholar in 2007, then was selected toand Periodontal Regeneration). If membersaltruistic efforts of our community be a Tarrson Fellow in 2013. She says,want to be part of the solution, put yourthat help us sustain and support I serve on the AAP Foundation boardmoney where your mouth is. activities that are vital for the growth because this organization is key toof our profession. I support Foundation empowering our profession. The AAPSecretary-Treasurer:activities with a positive disposition to Foundation, in addition to supportingJohn R. Herrin,collaborate in any task that needs to the future of periodontal education,DDS, MSbe accomplished and have a desire to collaborates with the AAP on manybring individuals together to work for a initiatives, including the LEAD programPrivate Practice in Bedford, NH common good.which is responsible for fostering young leaders who will represent ourA strong supporter specialty. I am very proud to be aof the AAP Foundation part of the AAP Foundation and I amfor 20 years, Dr. Herrin begins his term forever grateful for the positive impactas Secretary-Treasurer of the Foundation it has made on my career. Board this year.AAP Periospectives| 46'