b"B Y C H R I S T O P H E R R . R I C H A R D S O N , D M D , M SPRESIDENT'S MESSAGEWe all know that the AAP plays a crucial role in supportingOne of the best examples of how the AAP continues to and fostering the field of periodontics and our memberadvance science (Objective 3) is the annual Balint Orban periodontists. It is this common belief that unitesMemorial Competition. Since 1960, this event has given periodontal professionals from across the continent, andthe newest faces in periodontics the opportunity to share around the globe, and pushes the Academy towardstheir research, insights, and perspectives with others in our delivering on our vision and mission. The Board of Trusteesprofession. Past winners have gone on to become some of and headquarters staff do a tremendous amount of workthe most respected researchers in the field and leaders in balancing the operational side of the fence with a high-levelthe Academy. You can learn more about last years winners strategic thought process. The AAPs annual Strategic Planand their work beginning on page 40. is an important tool for creating measurable and attainable objectives to realize our goals. As I have stated on manyThe Academy also intends to increase awareness of occasions, we have initiatives that are just underway, someperiodontal health (Objective 4) through social media, that are moving through the process, and several that arepress relations, and other partnerships. One example of at the finish line in 2022.these efforts is the Oral Health in America report found on page 38.Specifically related to patient awareness is Beginning on page 6 of this issue, you can read a summarythe ongoing work of The Task Force on Dental Hygiene of the AAPs 2022 Strategic Plan. That article does aEngagement.I recently spoke to a member who is very nice job of describing the Academys six objectives, but Iexcited about the roll out of this Study Club product wanted to take a moment to briefly discuss a few examplesand wanted to know when it will be released.We are of how we go about achieving them. The first objective,hopeful that this will occur in the 3rd quarter of this and one which is critically important, is for the AAP toyear!The Academy will also continue to cultivate the provide exceptional member value. One major new initiativeleaders of tomorrow (Objective 5) through our Leadership, for 2022 will be our Virtual District Town Halls and they willEngagement, Action, and Development (LEAD) program be coming online very soon. These Zoom-Style meetings(page 32). The AAP wants to hear from you on where your will give members the opportunity to hear from theirskillset might influence decisions of the Academy and I district trustees on key issues, as well as provide a forumencourage anyone reading this to consider a leadership for engaging and communicating their own thoughts orrole within the AAP by applying to be a volunteerconcerns related to our Academy.(see page 12).One way you can assist the Academy regarding memberLastly, the sixth objective of the Strategic Plan is to sustain value is by completing your member profile on perio.org.organizational viability. I cant think of a more impactful On page 8, youll find a guide on how to access your profileway of achieving this than through our partnerships with in AAP Connect, the AAPs online community. This toolthe American Board of Periodontology and the American was vital in keeping us connected during the pandemic andAcademy of Periodontology Foundation (see the features does not only exist as the online forum (AAP Open Forum),beginning on page 45).it also contains a treasure chest of digital resources to use in your practice (podcasts, e-learning center, etc.).OneAs the country and its economy start the rebuilding of the Academys initiatives for 2022 is a comprehensiveprocess following what is hopefully the conclusion of the review, update, and expansion of these resources. pandemic, collaboration between our members and staff is vital to helping the Academy flourish. The Strategic Plan The second objective in the Strategic Plan relates tofor 2022 serves as the roadmap for bringing those goals advocacy. While the AAP doesnt directly hire lobbyists, theto fruition. I want to continue to drive the AAP forward and Academy does partner with allied organizations on certainam pleased to report we are full steam ahead!pieces of legislation. Be sure to check out www.perio.org/for-members/advocacy to see a list of letters theSincerely, AAP supports, and read the article on page 15 of this issueChristopher R. Richardson, DMD, MS to catch a glimpse of a new quarterly feature designed toPresident highlight some of AAPs advocacy partnerships. American Academy of PeriodontologyAAP Periospectives| 5"