b'YOUR ACADEMY AT WORKHow can I stay up to date with the actions and initiatives of the AAP Board of Trustees?Active Member, Kansas City, Mo.The AAPs Board of Trustees traditionally meets four times a year where they review progress on the AAPs Strategic Plan, plan for the upcoming year, and assess regular feedback from our membership. Items discussed and voted upon at these meetings are shared with the AAP membership in a variety of ways, including:District Digest email communications These frequent District Forums during the Annual Meetingcommunications from your Trustees include important The General Assembly during the Annual Meetingupdates, calls to action, member services (surveys, A district map, list of District Trustees, and trusteewebinars, etc.), recent Board of Trustee actions, andcontact information can be found on the AAP website atimportant information pertinent to your district www.perio.org/about-aap/leadership/Board of Trustees Actions & Highlights are posted quarterly on AAP Connect in the Governance Documents section:Thank you for your question, and as always, members.perio.org/viewdocument/board-of- thank you for your membership in the AAP!trustees-ac Kathleen A Stambaugh, DDS District Town HallsNew for 2022, these virtual events,District 6 planned to take place two-three times per year, enable directBoard of Trustees interaction with Trustees and grassroots communication with peers Advocacy call to action!We are hitting the ground running in 2022 and are excited to announce the launch of District Town Halls! Are you an engaged member looking for a way to make your voice heard about the local and regional issues in your area? Are you interested in collaborating with your colleagues and expanding your CORNER reach? If so, District Town Halls are waiting for you! Contact your District Trustees directly or Amanda Williams, governance specialist at amanda@perio.org to get involved AAP Periospectives| 15'