b'2022 QUALIFYING EXAMINATION CORRECTIONThe deadline to register for the 2022 American Board ofIn the previous issue of Periospectives, Dr. Gregg Filippelli was Periodontology Qualifying Examination is June 15, 2022.omitted from the list of those Diplomates who had achieved 25 Application information can be found on the Boards websiteyears of active status. The ABP regrets the error.at www.abperio.org. The Qualifying Examination will be held August 15-19, 2022. STRATEGIC PLANNINGANNOUNCING A NEW ABP WEBSITE The ABP Board of Directors recently held a strategic planning meeting to evaluate the ABPs current strategic plan and The ABP Board of Directors is pleased to announce aidentify new avenues of improvement and focus. In addition to redesign of the ABPs website and database. The newstrengthening the communications and technological platforms of website will launch in Spring 2022 and will feature significantthe ABP, the Board approved an initiative to evaluate the lifelong improvements, including an easy-to-use Diplomate locatorlearning component of Board certification. The Board created a function. The launch will also include a new databaseTask Force to work on continuing certification and has charged to house Diplomate and candidate information. The newthat Task Force with the development of a plan for ongoing technology platform will allow the ABP to provide a vastlyengagement with Diplomates to provide resources and information improved user experience as well as new options foron the art and science of periodontics and dental implant surgery.continuing education, resources, and public information.The updates are part of an ongoing effort by the ABP to improveCALL FOR COMMENTSthe Diplomate experience and provide valuable resources andThe ABP Board of Directors would like to hear from you! support throughout the span of a Diplomates career. With the launch of a new website and a focus on improved 2022 MAINTENANCE OF CERTIFICATIONcommunications, the ABP would like to know what you value about being a Diplomate. Please send your comments to staff@EXAMINATION abperio.org. We are interested in your feedback and hearing why The 2022 Maintenance of Certification Examinationboard certification matters to you. (previously known as the Self-Study Recertification Program) will be available to Diplomates who are required to recertify in 2022 when the new ABP website launches. The updated2021-2022 BOARD OF DIRECTORSdatabase allows the ABP to host the exam on its ownCharles A. Powell, DDS, MS; President platform, rather than contracting with a third party. When theRobert A. Faiella, DMD, MMSc, MBA; Vice President exam is opened, those Diplomates who did not complete theCraig Yonemura, DDS, MS; Secretary/Treasurer maintenance of certification process will be given a graceRobert M. Eber, DDS, MS; Immediate Past Chair period for completion. David E. Deas, DMD, MS 2022 ORAL EXAMINATION Joe Krayer, DDS, MS Rodrigo E.F. Neiva, DDS, MS The 2022 Oral Examination will be held May 2-6, 2022, inAngela Palaiologou Gallis, DDS, MS Raleigh, North Carolina. Approximately 300 candidates arePaul Luepke, DDS, MS scheduled to challenge the examination.Leena Bahl Palomo, DDS, MSD 2022 ABP DIRECTORS Richard T. Kao, DDS, PhDThe ABP encourages all Active and Life Active members ofExecutive Staffthe Academy to review the qualifications of the candidatesJeffrey A. Rossmann, DDS, MS; Director, Examinations for ABP Director and to cast a ballot in the annual AcademyEileen G. Loranger, Executive Director elections. Diplomates interested in running for ABP DirectorBarbara Robinette, Credentialing Program Managermay access more information on the Academys website at312-682-0919www.perio.org. Information on ABP Nominating Committeestaff@abperio.org positions may also be obtained from the AAP or from yourwww.abperio.orgDistrict Trustee. AAP Periospectives| 45'