b'AAP FOUNDATIONBoard of Directors Dr. Richardson has been a member of theDavid H. Yu, DDS, MS Continued from page 47 AAP Foundation family since he wasDiplomate of the selected to receive the prestigious Dr. andAmerican Board and brightest in the profession, both inMrs. Gerald M. Kramer Scholar Awardof Periodontology education and practice. The AAPF canfor Excellence in 1998. He has been aand Dental Implant enhance the profession in ways the AAPsteadfast champion of the FoundationSurgery cannot- and vice versa. We are separate,since then. He shares, I believe thatPrivate Practice in but dependent. Both organizations aresupport of our Foundation is critical toAustin, TXhighly relevant, and highly aligned inthe success of our individual members.Newly appointed to the AAP Foundation propelling the profession forward toThe AAP and AAPF work hand-in-handBoard of Directors, Dr. Yu brings valuable continued success. As a fiduciary forto support private practitioners as wellexperience to his Board role. He says, the AAP and the individual responsibleas academicians. I am hopeful that I canWhat the AAP Foundation does is for guiding and implementing the AAPscontinue to find ways that the AAP andcritical to the future of our specialty. The strategy plan and operations, I can helpthe AAPF may work together to supportleadership, ambassadors, and volunteers identify opportunities for alignmentthe initiatives and goals of each individualare what make the Foundation so and improvement that benefit the perioorganization. It is very important to meeffective and impactful. I agreed to serve profession. that AAP members appreciate the effortson the Board of Directors because of of the Foundation and support it with their charitable contributions. the extraordinarily talented periodontists David K. Okano, DDS, MS who have been serving. We have a President-Elect, AmericanJames G. Wilson, DMDcommon forward-looking mentality Academy of PeriodontologyImmediate Past President,towards advancing periodontology. I see Associate Professor,American Academy ofmyself contributing to the Foundation School of Dentistry,Periodontologywith my state regulatory background University of Utah Private Practice inand knowledge. I am also currently As President-Elect of the AAP,Tampa Bay, FL president of the Texas board and Dr. Okano is part of the AAP officerhave resources to help our specialty. I delegation that serves on the AAPA supporter of the AAPam a strong supporter of our educators, Foundation Board of Directors. He says,Foundation for the past 15 years, Dr.for they maintain the specialtys The AAPF is very important to the AAP,Wilson serves on the AAP Foundationhigh standards. I hope to expand the as the Foundation provides fundingBoard in his capacity as Immediate PastFoundations reach and add more for many of our very worthy projects,President of the AAP.supporters through relationships. such as the LEAD program, and areThe AAP Foundation is a crucial partner supportive of our academic periodontists.with the AAP for identifying the best My understanding of how closely theand the brightest in our profession and AAP and AAPF work together will allowsponsoring initiatives that advance me to promote joint activities for eachperiodontal leadership and educational organization. We have done a great job ofprogramming.The Foundation has advocating for periodontists in academiclent its support to the development of settings. Support to enhance volunteerthe Academys E-learning center and opportunities for periodontists in privatewebinars for all members and has practice is an area of interest to me. been committed the past five years to mentoring young leaders through Chris R.its sponsorship of the Leadership Richardson, Engagement Action Development (LEAD) DMD, MSprogram.The Foundation has awarded President,over $5 million dollars over the years to American Academyour members in academia and private of Periodontologypractice with the goal of encouraging Private Practice incontinued development of themselves as Richmond and Midlothian, VA well as moving the profession forward.AAP Periospectives| 48'