b'the Gums Youre With campaign fell short of memberand the significance on public health are priorities expectations; we can and must do better. An expansive,for me. A growing body of literature has shown national campaign may not be a fiscal reality, so wea connection between periodontal disease and must be novel in our marketing approach. By giving oursystemic diseases, and evidence has amassed that members the necessary tools, they can create customlinks periodontal disease to the progression of other campaigns that will generate the greatest impact ininflammatory diseases. As clinicians, we deal daily with their community. An exciting example of this, the Dentalthe consequences of periodontal disease and associated Hygiene Engagement Initiative, which begins in 2022health issues and are acutely aware of their enormous with a multiyear engagement, will provide an innovativeimpact on treatment prognosis and success.opportunity for members to showcase their skills as experts in the field of periodontology within their local The AAP must continue to drive the science behind the communities to enhance referral relationships. periodontal-systemic link via a three-pronged approach:Promoting Multidisciplinary CollaborationPartner with our medical colleagues (AMA, College of Physicians) by utilizing our ample data to collaborate For most of us, daily practice involves dealing with theon a position paper addressing the links between blurring of lines with other specialties, the weekend- periodontal disease and systemic inflammatory trained super dentist, and patients who suffer tooth lossdiseases. This could be a vehicle for the AAP to because they were not referred to us soon enough forpromote baseline periodontal assessments for treatment. This is not only a referral concern, but moreall patients, just as medicine has established importantly, it can have a significant effect on publicbaseline recommendations for mammograms and health. Early detection and treatment can prevent toothcolonoscopies.loss, but lack of expertise in detection, classification, and knowledge of management/referral pathways are having a Create a platform that assures that periodontists substantial impact on patient care. We are skilled expertsare at the podium at national medical symposiain periodontal treatment with an arsenal of tools to saveAmerican Heart Association, American Diabetes teeth, and when that is not possible, we are leaders inAssociation, and American College of Obstetricians & implant dentistry. Gynecologists, to name a few.Our obligation is to our patients, and we must collaborate Produce turnkey educational materials that members with other specialists to deliver high-quality care. Mycan use for reliable presentations at local levels to entire clinical career has been a rewarding intraofficetheir dental and medical community, as well as dental partnership with a prosthodontist and dental laboratoryhygiene programs.to deliver comprehensive patient care. We must continue to cultivate symbiotic relationships with other specialtyAccomplishing these objectives requires understanding, groups such as prosthodontics and orthodontics throughcommitment, and leadership. My experiences in private joint meetings. By sharing contemporary informationpractice, academia, and organized dentistry allow me emphasizing our expertise and unique skillset with ourto truly appreciate the obstacles that periodontists colleagues, we position the periodontist as the leader inface today. In partnership with my fellow officers and multidisciplinary patient care. Our diagnostic capabilities,trustees, and the outstanding AAP staff, I am prepared soft tissue management, regenerative therapies, andto tackle these challenges and work towards what is expertise in the aesthetic zone are second to none. Asbest for our members, our Academy, and our specialty.periodontists, we establish a healthy periodontium priorIn the coming months, I plan to attend your regional to proceeding with the remainder of planned dentalconferences and welcome the opportunity to meet with treatment; we coordinate care, monitor during therapy,you and listen to your thoughts regarding our Academy. and at completion, we maintain periodontal, oral, andThank you for your consideration, and I respectfully ask overall health. for your vote for Secretary/Treasurer.Periodontal Science and the Medical Community Sincerely, I am the daughter of a physician who grew up in aAna Becil Giglio, DD,S FACD, FICD household with endless medical dialogue focused onDiplomate, American Board of Periodontologypatient care so the periodontal/medical interrelationship AAP Periospectives| 11'