b'Its an issue that a lot of people in our profession felt very strongly about, because its so important to our current and future patients.AAP member and trustee Dr.we really began to gain traction, said Dr. Breault. Asked whether the Michael Breault was heavilycoronavirus pandemic might have played a role in the bills passing, involved in lobbying for the billshe said that he hasnt seen any reports indicating that to be the case. passage. He began supportingHowever, he said, this bill is certainly welcome news for patients who the cause in 2007 through thehave been struggling financially during the pandemic.American Dental Political Action Committee (ADPAC) and thenWhile this is a significant step to lowering health insurance costs, Dr. again in 2012 as a member ofBreault cautioned that the impact of the Competitive Health Insurance the ADAs Council of GovernmentReform Act will not be immediate. The passing of this bill should Affairs (CGA). To be completelybe able to alter the landscape of patient insurance coverage and honest, for most of the past 14imbursement over the long run, he said, but its going to take a while years I never thought wed bebefore the effect begins to be felt. He expects that once some of the able to get this passed, saidmore aggressive insurers begin offering expanded coverage and higher Dr. Breault, the Academysreimbursement rates, other insurers will follow. This will greatly enhance chief liaison with ADPAC. Itsour professions ability to give our patients badly-needed procedures they an issue that a lot of people inhavent been able to afford, he said. The result will be improved dental our profession felt very stronglyand systemic health, as well as increased production for practices. about, because its so importantThis important bill was supported not only by the ADA and the Academy, to our current and futurebut by several other professional dental associations, including patients. the Academy of General Dentistry, American Academy of Oral and To Dr. Breaults point, the billsMaxillofacial Pathology, American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, significant benefits for patientsAmerican Association of Endodontists, American Association of Oral also generated strong supportand Maxillofacial Surgeons, American Association of Orthodontists, from several consumer groups,American Association of Women Dentists, American Society of Dental including the Consumers Union,Anesthesiologists, American College of Prosthodontists, National Dental Consumer Federation of America,Association, and the Organized Dentistry Coalition. It was also supported and Consumer Action. by other health care organizations such as the American Hospital Association, American Chiropractic Association, American College of Interestingly, it was only withinSurgeons, National Community Pharmacists Association, and American the last several years that effortsOptometric Association.supporting this insurance reform shifted to focus solely on healthKey politicians leading the way for the bills passage were Senators insurance. Previously, reform wasPatrick Leahy (D-Vermont) and Steve Daines (R-Montana) and being advocated for several formsRepresentatives Peter DeFazio (D-Oregon) and Paul Gosar (R-Arizona), of insurance, but the combinedwho also happens to a dentist. power and deep pockets of theIt was really refreshing to see how much bipartisan support this bill insurance industry proved to bereceived, said Dr. Breault. And thats a great thing for dental patients a formidable obstacle. Once theand providers throughout the country. decision was made to narrow the focus to health insurance, AAP Periospectives| 9102378_AAOP.indd 9 3/18/21 2:36 PM'