b'Dental and Medical Insurance Workshops with Live Q&A Virtual dental and medicalWebinar workshops will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.insurance workshops(CT) on the following dates: Thursday, April 15 (Dental)have returned for 2021! Friday, April 16 (Medical) Led by the AAPs Third-Deadline to register for April workshops is April 8Party Specialist PamThursday, June 10 (Dental)Throw, these interactive Friday, June 11 (Medical) workshops will educate Deadline to register for June workshops is June 3attendees on how toParticipants will earn 2.75 continuing educationsubmit, support, and(CE) credits for each workshop. Workshop materials are included in your registration.manage medical andAttendees will receive their materials via UPS in advancedental insurance claimsof the workshop.carefully and accurately.Register today or visit perio.org/members/insurancefor more information.102378_AAOP.indd11 3/18/212:36 PM'