b'STRATEGY TODAYCOVID-19 vaccine and periodonticsOn Dec. 28, 2020 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) clarified that dentists, dental teams, and dental students were included in the initial recommendation that health care personnel be among the first to have access to the COVID-19 vaccine. As an evidence-based organization, the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) supports thisAAP members assist with COVID-19 vaccinationsrecommendation and encourages eligible members receive the vaccine as soon as it is available in theirLongtime AAP member, Cary A. Shapoff, DDS, a region.Diplomate for the American Board of Periodontology and former Trustee of the AAP, has been going Recent research has suggested that periodontitis mayabove and beyond to ensure that those eligible for be linked to more severe complications of COVID-19the vaccine in his residential community on Skidaway such as ventilation, ICU-admittance, and even death, soIsland in Savannah, Georgia are able to get vaccinated. it is imperative that periodontists continue to administerIn addition to volunteering his own time, Dr. Shapoff care to patients. Vaccination against COVID-19 provideshas gathered and organized a group of nearly 45 volunteers another level of protection that allows periodontists toto help register, schedule, and screen over 8,500 people for provide safe, effective patient care.COVID-19 vaccinations. At the time of this article, they have Vaccine protocols differ state by state, so the AAPhelped people in his community and other communities near encourages members to stay abreast of regulations andSavannah in Group 1 - Tier A which includes people over 65, guidelines in their local communities. Since the onset oflaw enforcement, first responders, fire personnel and caregivers. the COVID-19 pandemic, the AAP has been monitoringJust recently the categories also included educators for pre-K, various national healthcare organizations for guidanceK-12, and parents of children with severe chronic illnesses. The and information related not only to patient safety,vaccine center was started by a local pharmacy and is supported staffing issues, and infection control, but also to vaccineby a group of private duty nurses and pharmacists.protocols within dentistry and specifically periodontics.In addition, AAP Board of Trustee member Kirk These materials have been complied into a COVIDNoraian, DDS, MS, PC, was appointed chair of the Resources page on perio.org. This page was recentlyCOVID-19 Vaccine Committee for the McLean County updated to include information on COVID vaccinesDental Society (MCDS) located near Bloomington, with recommendations from the Centers for DiseaseIll. In this role, Dr. Noraian coordinated vaccination Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health,efforts for over 30 local dentists and their teams under and the American Dental Association. Additionally,Illinois Phase 1A provider vaccinations. With special the COVID Resource page includes information fortraining developed by the Illinois State Dental Society (ISDS), your practice and patients such as downloadablethese dentists are now able to administer the COVID-19 vaccine. resources, information on state and local guidelines,We are already giving injections every day in our office, so with and on-demand webinars. Pay attention to perio.org/ a little bit of additional training, we were able to translate those members/COVID-19 for additional information.skills to be able to help out the community, Dr. Noraian said.AAP Periospectives| 10102378_AAOP.indd10 3/18/212:36 PM'