b'American Board ofPeriodontology2021 Qualifying ExaminationThe deadline to register for the 2021 American Board of Periodontology Qualifying Examination is June 15, 2021. Application information can be found on the Boards website at abperio.org. The Qualifying Examination will be held Aug. 1620, 2021.2021 ORAL EXAMINATIONThe ABP 2021 Oral Examination will be held virtually May 37, 2021 and June 15, 2021. The two examination sessions will allow the Board to examine all candidates deferred from 2020 as well as all those who registered for the 2021 examination. The ABP Board of Directors, chaired by Dr. Robert Eber, and Oral Examination Committee, chaired by Dr. David Deas, in conjunction with ABP Director of Examinations, Dr. Jeffrey Rossmann, continue to do extensive work to prepare for these virtual examinations. Candidates are encouraged to check the ABP website regularly for updated information, including information on technology requirements for exam participation.Offering two examination sessions this year requires a significant commitment of time from ABP examiners. The ABP is very grateful for the dedication and support of all ABP examiners. The following examiners will participate in one, or both, of the 2021 Oral Examinations. Thank you for your commitment to the ABP and the profession:ABP Directors: Drs. David Deas, Robert Eber, Robert Faiella, James Katancik, Joe Krayer, Paul Luepke, Rodrigo Neiva, Angela Palaiologou Gallis, Charles Powell, and Craig Yonemura.ABP Examiners: Drs. Mary Beth Aichelmann-Reidy, Clark Barco, Leslie Batnick, Steven Blanchard, Grishondra Branch-Mays, Joseph Califano, Hsun-Liang Chan, Lewis Claman, Tricia Crosby, Douglas Dixon, John Dmytryk, Pouran Famili, Sylvan Feldman, Arnold Freedman, Alon Frydman, Thu Getka, Nicolaas Geurs, Scott Gruwell, Margaret Hill, Steven Hokett, Vincent Iacono,Y. Natalie Jeong, Georgia Johnson, Richard Kao, Thomas Kepic, Clara Kim, Wayne Kye, David Lasho, Binnaz Leblebicioglu, Paul Levi, Scott Mackey, Angelo Mariotti, Michael McQuade, Brian Mealey, Jose Mellado, John Mumford, Srinivas Rao Myneni Venkatasatya, Mary Neill, Tae-Ju Oh, Leena Palomo, David Paquette, Michael Reddy, Mark Reynolds, Robert Sabatini, Mabel Salas Martinez, Hector Sarmiento, Harjit Sehgal, Harlan Shiau, Stephen Soehren, Marc Stein, Dimitris Tatakis, Deborah Termeie, Ricardo Vidal, Roger Warren, and Robin Weltman. ABP RecerticationDiplomates who are required to recertify in 2021 will receive information in the first quarter of the year about the reexamination requirements and process. Recertification must be completed by the end of the year. ABP HeadquartersPlease note the new phone number.American Board of Periodontology737 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 800 Chicago, IL 60611Phone: 312-682-0919 Fax: 312-787-3670AAP Periospectives| 49102378_AAOP.indd49 3/18/212:36 PM'