b'New periodontistcornercommunication is an essential part of the residency Get to know AAP membertraining and I miss having such case discussions and new periodontist and training sessions.What steps have you taken to cope with this Elli Anna Kotsailidi, DDS, MS. challenge?To keep the residents engaged during virtual classes, I Dr. Kotsailidi is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Dentistry in thehave implemented alternative teaching strategies such as Department of Periodontology at the Eastman Institute for Oral Healththe flipped classroom method and use of digital learning at the University of Rochester in New York. Dr. Kotsailidi completedtechnologies. I have come to realize that all obstacles in her periodontal residency at the University of Rochester in 2019. learning can be overcome with a shared positive attitude What is the most challenging part of your day? by both students and educators. It has always been challenging for me to put work aside late in theOutside of work, what is the one thing you do evening and relax for a few hours before bedtime. I am passionateevery day that brings you joy?about my work, but it is also important to pursue leisure activitiesI enjoy waking up early morning when its still dark and and spend time with the people I love. quiet. I get time to enjoy my coffee, watch the sunrise and What is the most rewarding part of your day? spend time for myself before the hustle and the bustle of daily life begins. My early morning routine sets me up for a During the day, my most rewarding moments are while teachingsuccessful and productive day!the post-graduate residents and guiding them in their journey to become periodontists. I really enjoy helping them during theirIs there any advice you would give a first periodontal surgeries and observing their excitement andperiodontist just starting their career?eagerness to learn!Periodontology is a very rewarding specialty of dentistry Is there a piece of advice you have received that youand I am incredibly grateful for pursuing this career. try to implement daily? Nonetheless, it is pertinent to consistently provide high quality of care and remain updated with the innovations A wise piece of advice I have received is to never give up onin the field. I would advise new periodontists to set their learning; stay a lifelong, relentless student and become a betterown professional goals, be critical of their clinical work and version of yourself each and every day. always strive to improve their skills.What is the single biggest challenge the pandemicWant to be profiled in an upcoming issue? Contact has presented for you professionally? Membership Coordinator Ashley Barnstable at ashley@perio.org.During the pandemic, it has been challenging not being able to have face to face classes with the residents. I believe in-person AAP Periospectives| 36102378_AAOP.indd 36 3/19/21 8:57 AM'