b"B Y J A M E S G . W I L S O N , D M DPRESIDENT'S MESSAGEAn Academy with a planIf 2020 taught us anything, it was that sometimes Get vaccinated. even the best laid plans can go awry. How manyThe AAP has been monitoring various healthcare of us had improvements planned for our practices,organizations for guidance and information only to have to close our doors to routine patientsrelated to vaccine protocols within dentistry and for several months? How many of us had a specialspecifically periodontics. Please visit perio.org/event planned with family or friends that had to bemembers/COVID-19 for a comprehensive cache rescheduled? And how many of us were lookingof resources. If it is appropriate for your unique forward to enjoying the 2020 Annual Meeting on thehealth situation and available in your area, the sunny shores of Waikiki Beach at the 2020 AnnualAAP encourages all members to receive the Meeting in Honolulu? COVID-19 vaccine. The Academys plans were also impacted last year. Renew your AAP membership dues. Each year the AAPs Strategic Planning CommitteeThe AAP truly is your periodontal community. As a (SPC) creates a strategic plan that guides various26-year member, I have seen first-hand how AAP initiatives to help the AAP achieve its vision andmembership has enhanced my clinical practice, mission. And while our 2020 strategic plan requiredhoned my scientific acumen, and expanded my some revisions as a result of COVID-19, the primarynetwork of periodontal colleagues and friends. goals and objectives that anchor our plan each yearMembership dues must be paid by March 31 to allowed us to still conduct work to support membersstay current. Visit perio.org/renew for more and advance the profession.information.This is why the strategic planning process is Plan to attend the 2021 Annual Meeting in so important. It is crucial to the success of anyMiami. organization to have a solid annual plan that, whileAt press time, the AAP fully intends to hold the rooted in long-term guiding principles, still allowsAnnual Meeting live and in-person in Miami Beach, for modifications as appropriate. No one can predictFlorida. We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 the future, so it is important that a strategic plansituation to ensure a safe and fulfilling Annual can weather the punches as they are thrown.Meeting experience for all attendees. This years To that end, I am proud of the Academys 2021meeting may look a little different to accommodate strategic plan. Drafted by the SPC and approved byfor social distancing and other safety protocols, the Board of Trustees, this comprehensive roadmapbut I assure you it will still be the same meeting will provide clear direction for the AAP throughoutyou have come to expect from the AAP. Stay tuned the next several months. Read more about theto am2021.perio.org for more information.Academys strategic planning process and 2021 plans on page 6. I for one plan to make 2021 a great year! Thanks for your continued membership with the AAP. For those of you still finalizing your plans for 2021, may I recommend you include the following on yourJames G. Wilson, DMD to-do list? President American Academy of PeriodontologyAAP Periospectives| 5102378_AAOP.indd5 3/18/212:36 PM"