b'is that we have increased our visibility and will accelerate theLooking back, what was it that first sparked your necessary partnering to ultimately benefit our patients.interest in this field?What advice or words of encouragement would you giveIve always been fascinated by the oral soft tissue biology and to up-and-coming periodontists?the regeneration of the lost soft tissue around natural teeth and dental implants. However, when, during residency, I had to Read broadly, be supportive, and above all, stay curious.plan for the treatment of implant-esthetic complications such as soft tissue deficiencies, I realized that the literature on the Lorenzo Tavelli, DDS, MStopic was scarce. On the other hand, large evidence supporting University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI the superiority of autogenous connective tissue grafts for the WinnerClinical Research Award,treatment of gingival recessions was available in the literature. Balint Orban Memorial CompetitionTherefore, I decided to investigate which technique should be Envelope Coronally Advanced Flap vs Tunnelcombined with a connective tissue graft for the treatment of Technique for the Treatment of Peri-implantperi-implant soft tissue deficiencies.Soft Tissue Deficiencies: Preliminary ResultsDo you have any advice to offer others beginning their from a Randomized Controlled Trial research?Briefly explain the results of your winning research. I always recommend to younger colleagues to follow their The treatment of a peri-implant soft tissue dehiscencepassion and to believe in themselves. I also believe that forming (PSTD) can be quite challenging for many clinicians anda working team with other motivated researchers plays a big role leave gravely disappointing esthetic marks for patients toin the quality of research and in the overall scientific production. bear. Our clinical study aimed to compare clinical, volumetric,We all know that performing clinical research is often difficult, and ultrasonographic-outcomes of two surgical approachesbut having a strong motivation and a supportive working team for the treatment of these complications. The six-monthcan overcome the main challenges.data supported that an envelope coronally advanced flap in combination with connective tissue graft (eCAF + CTG) isDr. Linda Wang-Lam, DDS, MS superior to tunnel technique with a connective tissue graft (TUNUniversity of Rochester Eastman + CTG) in terms of mean PSTD defect coverage, number ofInstitute for Oral Health, Rochester, sites with complete defect coverage, mucosal thickness gain,NYand three-dimensional volumetric increase. Mucosal thickness,WinnerBasic Research, papillae height, and the distance between the abutment andResearch Forum Poster the buccal bone at baseline were predictors for the PSTDCompetition coverage at six months in both treatment groups. Similarly, theElectrospun Core-Shell Nanofibers with position of the soft tissue margin at the one-week post-op wasEncapsulated Enamel Matrix Derivative for also a significant predictor for the final mean PSTD coverage.Guided Periodontal Tissue RegenerationOur study also analyzed the ultrasonographic tissue perfusion around the treated implant sites at different time points,Briefly explain the results of your winning research.showing increased blood volume at earliest appointments (oneWe created a method to fabricate electrospun core-shell week and one month) compared to baseline and six months.nanofiber membranes containing Emdogain and observed Lastly, patient-reported outcome measures revealed that PSTDtheir osteogenic effect on PDL stem cells. These membranes treatment either with eCAF + CTG or with TUN + CTG resultedhave Emdogain incorporated directly into its fibers, allowing in a significant improvement in patients quality of life. for more prolonged release of Emdogain. Furthermore, in vitro How will winning this award affect your work goingexperiments showed that the membranes promoted osteogenic forward? differentiation of PDL stem cells. Core-shell nanofiber membranes may improve outcomes in periodontal regenerative Im definitely proud of receiving this prestigious achievement,therapy through simultaneous mechanical barrier and controlled which would have not been possible without our working teamdrug delivery function.here at the University of Michigan. However, this recognition would not really change my working philosophy. Ive always been passionate about clinical research since findings fromContinued on page 44human trials can make a difference in patient care.AAP Periospectives| 43102378_AAOP.indd43 3/18/212:36 PM'