b'A Future Vision for the AAP: Creating a Roadmap forHighlighting Science and InnovationSuccess Periodontal researchers, clinicians, and innovators continue to As periodontists, we work every day to diagnose, treat, andmove the science and our specialty forward. Our periodontal maintain patients in health, esthetics, and function. But, ourscientists are truly at the forefront of science in dentistry and their role is so much more than that. In each of our practices, wework is indispensable in moving our profession forward. I currently are entrepreneurs, educators, communicators, mentors, patientserve on the AAPs Task Force for Future Science Strategy and advocates, and innovators. We work to deliver high-quality,feel that it is of the utmost importance that we are able to both patient-centered care in conjunction with multidisciplinary dentaltranslate these scientific discoveries into advances in clinical teams.practice and to create effective media strategies to enhance awareness of these breakthroughs within the dental community Messaging Strategy and to the public. The dissemination of the important work of our To reinforce our critical role in promoting health and inperiodontal-scientists is critical to highlighting the importance and collaborative dental care, the Academy can and should developinnovation of our care for patients.effective messaging and work to create digital tools that canCreating Member Valuebe deployed for periodontists in practice. The Academy created infographics to be used during the COVID-19 reopening andMembership recruitment and retention is paramount to the vitality has partnered with Johnson & Johnson to create a video thatof any organization. Given the AAPs robust response to the presents the 2017 AAP World Workshop for Diagnosis andchallenges of 2020, including AAP webinars, the AAPs work with Classification (WWDC) that presents the classification in aother dental associations, and the pivot to an all-virtual annual straightforward and understandable way. All of these tools aremeeting, the value of our AAP membership was demonstrated available as member benefits to be used on social media andtime and time again. The AAP was truly a partner and a support websites. We should build upon these successes and createstructure during a difficult time and membership, indeed, did content that allows members to showcase their expertise, skills,have its privileges. Moving forward, the Academy must also and elevate their practices!seek to create additional non-dues revenue sources, including sponsorship, digital and print advertising, and leveraging virtual Strategic Partnerships educational opportunities to reduce the financial burden on our Our Academy is the preeminent voice for periodontistsmembers and to continue to provide strategic programs that serve throughout the world. Because of this platform, we have anour members. Seeking out innovative revenue sources can provide opportunity to partner with individuals and organizations withvalue and create opportunities to reduce the financial burden on the common goal of improving care for our patients. In each ofour members.our practices, we do this by partnering with restorative dentists, dental specialists, dental hygienists, and the entire dental team2020 was a rollercoaster year for periodontists and patients to create and execute multidisciplinary, comprehensive careacross the country, but it has also highlighted the importance of for our patients. The AAP Leadership and Board of Trusteesengaged, passionate, and innovative leadership! The AAP is a has established a Dental Hygiene Engagement Task Force andstrong, vibrant, diverse organization and its greatest strength is our commissioned surveys to identify opportunities for educationmembers. It has been an immense honor to serve on the Board and integration with dental hygienists. This strategic initiative isof Trustees with my colleagues, our leadership, our amazing AAP critical to the success of our Academy and our members andstaff, and to work alongside the countless periodontist members should be continued and expanded to highlight the importantwho make our Academy so incredible. In seeking the role of role of dental hygienists as advocates for patients and theirSecretary-Treasurer, I vow that I will continue to work tirelessly to periodontal health. I have been fortunate to work with both theadvocate for our members, our Academy, and the future of our American Dental Hygiene Association and the Canadian DentalProfession. Hygiene Association as an ambassador for the new WWDCThank you for your consideration and I respectfully ask for your and have found hygienists to be keenly interested in the risk- vote for AAP Secretary-Treasurer. based patient assessment that this new classification allows. Working with all members of the dental team, particularly dentalSincerely,hygienists, and creating empowered, educated partners withinMia L. Geisinger, DDS, MS our communities is a key component to our overall success! Diplomate, American Board of Periodontology AAP Periospectives| 15102378_AAOP.indd 15 3/18/21 2:36 PM'