b'For example, lets say a company isdecided to invest in and implementgoal, then you will want to know what dedicated to providing a superior level ofcertain strategies to reduce its negativecompanies are represented in your service to its customers, and it knowsenvironmental impact. The strategyinvestment portfolio. Besides all the other that taking care of its employees is goingactually saved the company moneypositive outcomessuch as taking care to go a long way toward making sure theand resulted in a win-win-winfor theof the planet, making sure that people are employees in turn take good care of thecompany, for the pension plan, as welltreated fairly, and so on, impact investing companys customers. It may cost moreas for people and the environment. may make you more comfortable with to be a better employer, but its probableyour investments, which allows for more that the companys commitment to itsAs we keep up to date with the financialof a long-term view of investing. And that workforce will actually result in betterindustry, we see a lot of shareholdercould be a great foundation for anyones service to customers which may resultadvocacy taking place around impactinvestment strategy.in higher customer satisfaction, higherinvesting. By shareholder advocacy, customer retention, and potentially higherwe mean that the big investment firmsTreloar & Heisel, Treloar & Heisel Wealth profits.and pension plans that fund companiesManagement, and Treloar & Heisel Property and are showing greater engagement inCasualty are all divisions of Treloar & Heisel, Inc. In other instances, a company may lookcompanies to help them meet impact- Investment Advice offered through WCG at its ecological footprint, and be able toinvesting criteria. When a big investorWealth Advisors, LLC, a Registered Investment innovate to create efficiencies and reduceasks about a companys track recordAdvisor doing business as Treloar & Heisel Wealth Management. Treloar & Heisel Wealth harm to the environment. This was theon the environment, for example,Management has offered wealth management and case with 3M, a company that createsyou will find that companies startfinancial planning services since 2016. adhesives and abrasives for application into pay attention. And that may endTreloar & Heisel Wealth Management is a separate just about every industry from healthcareup benefiting everyone: institutionalentity from The Wealth Consulting Group and WCG to construction. 3M is best known forshareholders like pension plans, andWealth Advisors, LLC. its relentless pursuit of innovation. Aindividual shareholders, like you.Insurance products offered separately through large pension firm approached 3M aboutTreloar & Heisel and Treloar & Heisel Property and their carbon footprint in a particularSo why should you consider impactCasualty.area of their business. The companyinvesting? Well, if you care about your showed openness to the change andimpact in addition to your accumulation AAP Periospectives| 27102378_AAOP.indd27 3/18/212:36 PM'