b'Based on positive reviews for Someone Elses Son, Dr. Winter was able to get his manuscript read by some of publishings biggest names. These included two people who loved his story: the agent for Robert Ludlum, the author of The Bourne Identity, and the agent for Ken Follett, author of Eye of the Needle, and Jack Higgins, author of The Eagle Has Landed. Inexplicably, both agents declined to work with Dr. Winter because they felt people would not want to read books written by a dentist. Disillusioned, he put his search for a publisher on hold and started to contemplate his next story.That story ended up being inspired by Dr. Winters meeting with a dentist whose personal and professional lives had been ruined by his involvement with a well-known cult movement. Intrigued and alarmed by the dentists story, Dr. Winter researched the shockingly sophisticated techniques used by cults to identify people who are vulnerable to their influence. He then wrote a book, Snowflakes in the Sahara, about a forensic dentist who discovers that the U.S. president is under the control of such a cult. Dr. Winter, who trained in forensic dentistry to prepare for the project, decided to self-publish the book. It attracted a modest but enthusiastic following. Dr. Winters next book, Saviors Day, was a suspense thriller based on an openDr. Winter and Mr. Stern have already case involving an NYPD detective, the Archbishop of the Diocese of New York,completed the second book in the trilogy, Sins and Israels Mossad spy agency. Published in 2013, it was named one of the topof the Fathers, and expect it to be approved for 250 books of the year by the prestigious Kirkus Review and received an honorablepublishing soon. It begins where Wolf: A Novel mention at the New York Book Festival.left off and runs through Kristallnacht. The authors are currently researching the last book Dr. Winter then wrote a screenplay titled Polly, which received an honorable mentionin the trilogy. at the Austin Film Festival. It became the basis for his next novel, Island Bluffs, which he also self-published. The protagonist is the same New York City forensicWhen asked if there are any similarities dentist featured in Snowflakes in the Sahara. The book is based in part on Dr.between periodontists and authors, Dr. Winter Winters conversations with a patient who unknowingly purchased a home on thesaid that both professions attract compulsive Jersey Shore once owned by a German spy who used shortwave radios to helppersonalities. To be a periodontist, you have a German submarines target American ships during World War II. be a high achiever, someone whos determined to excel at a very challenging profession, he Dr. Winters latest book was co-authored by long-time friend and patient Herbertsaid. The same is true of authors. He also Stern. Mr. Stern is a legal legend who prosecuted the assassin of Malcolm Xidentified a huge difference. As an author, you and presided over the only case ever tried in an American court in the occupiedhave to deal with a lot of rejection, said Dr. American Sector of West Berlin. (His book about that case, Judgment in Berlin,Winter. The recognition and appreciation I got became a major motion picture.)Mr. Stern broached the idea of a joint writingas a periodontist grounded me and enabled venture by asking Dr. Winter, What if I told you that Adolf Hitler was in a mentalme to handle that rejection.institution at the end of World War I? Intrigued by this revelation, Dr. Winter agreed to assist his friend in researching the topic. We concluded that most historians hadWhatever rejection Alan Winter the writer missed the fact that while Adolph Hitler committed inhumane atrocities, he wasntmight have received, he clearly has received inhuman. And we decided we had to tell the true story of what made him who hemuch praise for his literary efforts. In fact, one was, or else people might miss the next man who comes along whos just as evil.wonders if he might be persuaded to write his next historical novel about an exceedingly The historical novel they wrote is titled Wolf: A Novel, based on Hitlers self-giventalented man who somehow balances a 44-nickname. It was published by Skyhorse Publishing in February 2020 as theyear career as an accomplished periodontist first book in a planned trilogy. The book, which begins as World War I is endingwith a 40-year career as a successful author. and finishes just as Hitler is elected president in 1934, has received enthusiasticThat story line might sound a bit far-fetched, reviews. Kirkus Review wrote, As the novel ends, the horrors are only beginning.but Dr. Winters track record suggests he An engrossing look at a monster. The book, as with Dr. Winters other four books,would find a way to make it both believable is available on Amazon.com. and riveting. AAP Periospectives| 47102378_AAOP.indd47 3/18/212:36 PM'