b'acknowledges that there is still a lot of work to be done, but she is here to get the conversation started. Now, Narcan can be sold over the counter but its difficult to have that acceptance from parents information, 76 percent of fentanyl accidentalthe first dose. She warns the person mayand its $50 which for drug related deaths occur in the 14 to 24-year- get angry for destroying their high, but themany families is a lot. old age group. When asked when she firstsecond dose must be administered becauseWere very privileged in our became aware of this problem, Dr. Klauserthey only have two and a half minutes. Theorganization and have been shared, I first became aware of the problembrain dies after ten minutes. The CDC saysgiven so much, so this is through myself. When she was pregnant withto administer Narcan first and then call formy small bit to continue to her daughter 21 years ago, she had a difficulthelp, similar to CPR. give back to my community. pregnancy and had to have a c-section whichAside from being involved resulted in a bad infection. She was prescribedSome schools have access to this, but notin running my own practice, Norco, an opioid, and she eventually kept goingall. Currently, there is a bill in Oregon whichhaving an associate, being back to ask for more. As a result, she was toldrequires administrators to take a courseinvolved with the California that she was healed and now addicted. Dr.on how to administer Narcan. Dr. KlauserDental Association, and Klauser had to be tapered off Norco. I amis trying to look for partners in pediatrichonors societies, this is sharing my vulnerability with my colleagues todentistry for a coalition to make sure thatwhat I do.say this can happen to anybody, any family; ahigh school students parents are given thisTo find out what you can do child, a parent, it doesnt matter.information. Hopefully parents understandto help, contact Dr. Klauser this is not promoting drug use, this is toat donnaklauser@gmail.Dr. Klauser recommended that the Drugprevent accidental drug poisoning. Manycom or visit changetherx.Enforcement Administration website (DEA. children will experiment, and their friendscom to learn more.gov) should be shared with kids because theyhaving Narcan and knowing how to distribute can report to the DEA directly. Additionally, sheit can save their life. Theyre going to be emphasizes to let social media channels know aexposed to it so you can either deny it person is trying to sell someone drugs, so thatand risk something happening, or you can the DEA has a better pull to get these individualsprepare them.off the web. When asked why social media isnt doing more, Dr. Klauser shared that they have anCurrently, #ChangetheRX only operates inAs a parent, what ADPAC that is very strong and has more moneyCalifornia, but Dr. Klausers call to action for than parents advocacy. They will say its aher colleagues at the AAP is to reach out toyou must do is protection of privacy but its killing our kids.her to learn how she started her nonprofit.make sure that Perdue received about 4-6 billion dollars, Dr. Klauser also talked about how the DEA isand their respective states have receivedyou carry Narcan using the term accidental drug poisoning insteadmoney as well for harm reduction. She of opiate overdose. I was so happy with thathopes AAP members in other parts of theat home, have it because that took the shame away from thecountry duplicate her model. I know thereon your kids, and parents. are many of my colleagues who are doing wonderful things for their communities so ifteach them how As a parent, what you must do is make suretheres an AAP colleague that doesnt haveto use itI carry that you carry Narcan at home, have it on yourthe time to contribute to please consider kids, and teach them how to use itI carrydonating to my nonprofit. Once the moneyNarcan with meNarcan with me all the time. If someone dropsruns out, I will have to purchase Narcan next to me and I see theyre cold, clammy, andall the time.on my own because the YMCA is counting nonresponsive, then Im going to assume itson us to help their kids stay alive. She something like an opioid overdose and administer 7'