b'AMERICAN BOARD OF PERIODONTOLOGYDIPLOMATE INTERVIEWAfter my military service I applied to NYU for perio. I was fully ready to become a general practitioner someplace. When NYU accepted me, I was minimally prepared but maximally motivated. When I realized that I was not just Roger Warren, DDS doing some mechanical tasks but rather procedures involving biology and science, channeling all the possibilities of healing, I was hooked.Assistant Clinical ProfessorAshman DepartmentWhen did you decide to pursue Board of Periodontology & Implant Dentistry, New Yorkcertification and why?University College of Dentistry, New York, NYWhen I graduated from the perio program most of the Please tell us a little bit about yourcandidates who pursued Diplomate status were in the background and how you became amilitary and full-time academicians.My goal at this periodontist. time was to create a successful practice. Becoming a Diplomate was not a high priority.I attended dental school in the 1960s when perio was king. I have been fortunate to see and hear ourI have attended most of the AAP conventions since my perio greats Drs. Kramer, Prichard, Schluger, Bowers,PG days. I always noted those walking around with the Schallhorn, DW Cohen and my mentor, Dr. Stahl.ribbon signifying that they were Diplomates. To me this Decision making was done by the perio department.represented that they had reached a higher level of I remember several of the faculty commenting aboutachievement.Loes Experimental Gingivitis in Man with someI taught PG perio and practiced for years until I decided excitement but basically, they were not into thethat becoming a Diplomate was something that I always explosion of ideas at the time. wanted to do. I wanted to do it not for any other reason While in the Marine Corps I was exposed to youngbut just for myself.I just wanted to prove that I was recruits with a surprisingly high rate of periodontalknowledgeable and worthy of that designation. Now I problems. This aroused my interest in the field.I tookproudly attained this status at age 67. At the time, I was some continuing ed courses. the oldest candidate to become Board certified. 40'