b'PresidentsmessageBY DR. STEPHEN MERAWWith a new year comes fresh startsinprevent accidental drug poisoningis what makes us stronger, and I also our personal lives, professional lives,through her nonprofit, #ChangetheRX.believe its what makes the AAP stand and with those around us. Part of theLearn more about what Dr. Klauserout among other dental academies.Academys 2024 fresh start involves adoes and how she has helped her refreshed design as well as new contentcommunity, as well as ways you canInternational Periodontics focuses for Periospectives so our articles remaincontribute on pg. 6. If you or someoneon the Academys involvement in engaging, relevant, and informative. Andyou know has a story to share for ourperiodontics worldwide, as well as part of my personal fresh start is servingBeyond the Practice section, pleaserelevant international news. This includes 5Presidents message as the Academys President for thisemail publicrelations@perio.org. collaborations, international meetings, 6 Beyond the practice term. Something many of you may haveand more. To learn more about whats 8AAPs 110 thAnnual Meeting in San Diego already seen are my monthly updatesAs we all know, a new year meansgoing on in periodontology worldwide about what the Academy is doing fora new location for the AAPs Annualas well as our collaborations with the Candidate for secretary/treasurer: Meeting. The 2024 Annual MeetingOsteology Foundation and what this 12you. I think of this initiative as something Dr. Richard J. Nagy that can keep our members updated,will be held in San Diego, and thismeans for the Academy, read pg. 32.14issue tells you all about what San Leadership and volunteer activitieswhile using technology to bring us closer Advocating for perio Diego has to offer. Aside from theAdditionally, the Academy values the 16together. Our latest monthly messageimportance of collaboration between 17 Ask the boardinvolved student members sharing whybeautiful weather and sunshine, thereperiodontists and dental hygienists. A they think the future of periodontologyare countless activities awaiting us 20How does one financially prepare for a new after our educational days at thestrong relationship between periodontists year? Here are some actionable tips.is exciting. One member shared, Weremeeting, and you can learn moreand dental hygienists is critical to not just treating teeth and gums, werecomprehensive patient care. Our new 24Dental Hygiene Study Club enhancing lives through revolutionaryabout the different parks, beaches, foods, and activities on pg. 10. MakeDental Hygiene Engagement Initiative 26Educator updates approaches and a deep commitment which was announced at the 2023 to oral health as a gateway to overallsure you book before all AAP hotels 27 GEN You are filled by making travel plans now.Annual Meeting in Austinis made up 28 Welcome new members wellbeing. I agree with his and the restLearn more about the AAP hotelof two parts: the AAP Dental Hygiene of the student members sentiments,Study Club Program and the AAP Dental 29 AAP 2024 annual dues are open for renewal and Im thrilled to be witnessing such aoffers on pg. 10. Hygienist Recognition Program. To learn 32International periodontics revolutionary time in the field.The Academy is endlessly working tomore about this wonderful new initiative, 38Submissions are open for the Balint Orban The new changes in Periospectivesprovide the best value and supportvisit pg. 24. and Research Forum poster session! provide the most pertinent informationfor our members. This includes 39 2024 LEAD program nominations answering members questionsI hope you enjoy this refreshing issue of and latest news in periodontics, andPeriospectives as much as I have. There 40ABP diplomate interview within the Academy. Our membersand consistently advocating foris so much to look forward to this year, dedicate so much of their time,them in various ways, whether it be 42 ABP update through legislation, dental education,and Im ready to work with all of you on attention, and efforts to the field.new plans and ideas and to carry our 44AAP Foundation award applications Many of them go above and beyondawareness, or organized dentistry. On pg. 16 weve included State andorganization into the future. 45Meet the AAP Foundation board of directors by giving back to their communities and contributing through periodonticsRegional Updates so members canSincerely,and other incredible ways. Beyondlearn a little more about how the the Practice is a new addition toAcademy advocates on their behalf.Dr. Stephen Meraw Periospectives that focuses on whatPresident Other new features includeAmerican Academy of Periodontologythese members are doing outside ofPerioProgress which celebrates the their practice to be leaders in theirdiversity of the AAPs membership. communities. In this issue, we learnBringing together a diverse range of about Dr. Donna Klausers efforts toexperiences, knowledge, and insights 5'