b"MEMBERSHIP MATTERSThe terms Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z, etc. may be convenient for advertisers, but in reality, no one fits neatly into categories. Each of us is unique, and we each bring our own experiences to the specialty of periodontology. However, the point youre at in your career journey probably looks very different than those who came before you, and those who will come after you. In this new feature, youll get a glimpse of some of your fellow members, and what their path looks like today. Youll get to learn more about them throughout the year, right here in Periospectives.Meet the four individuals:Demetrius Flood MPH, MBSDonna Klauser, DDS, FACD StudentPractice owner DSIG member since 2022 Active member since 1997Hey! Im Demetrius Flood,Hi, Im Donna Klauser. I completed MPH, MBS. I am currentlymy Postdoctoral Training at UCLA, a 4th year student at Tuftsand I have been in practice for University School of Dental24 years. I own my own practice, Medicine in Boston. I will beArcadia Perio Care, in Southern attending the University ofCalifornia. My associate, Dr. Washington as an incomingLeshin Chen, is also a graduate of periodontal resident laterUCLA Periodontology and a Board-certified periodontist. In addition this year. Growing up, I always had a fascination with teeth. Ito my clinical work, I run a nonprofit which Im very passionate would ask for Sonicare toothbrushes for Christmas and beg myabout called #ChangetheRX which distributes free Narcan to mom for braces. Being raised by a single parent, these wishesfamilies in California to prevent accidental fentanyl poisoning.did not come easily. After saving up the money, I was finally able to visit the orthodontist. It was incredible seeing a doctor that not only looked like me, but also one who was so happyWayne A Aldredge, DMD in his profession. Only being 12 years old, I was captivatedPast AAP President by the number of smiles I experienced while in the office; IActive member since 1995turned to my mom and said, I want to have a job where I canHello, Im Dr. Wayne Aldredge, make people smile every day. Since then, my personal goalsand Im a private practitioner have evolved, but I have remained dedicated to serving thein Holmdel, New Jersey. I'm profession through dentistry. celebrating my 25th anniversary as a periodontist. As a current Kristen Richey, DDS private practitioner, I know the Resident value of clinicians volunteering Student member since 2022 and giving their time so we can all be better. My involvement with the Academy started 23 years ago on the New Membership My name is Kristen RicheyCommittee. I made tons of friends through the years; people who and Im a second year periohave mentored me and helped me become better, not only as an resident at the Universityindividual but also as a private practitioner. We share our goals, we of Pennsylvania. I first gotshare things that work, and more importantly, what doesn't. I love involved with the AAP whenthis specialty, and I love what the Academy has done for us. I was in dental school and knew I wanted to become a periodontist. Since then, Ive continued to stay involved and attend the Annual Meetings. I love being part of the AAP because I enjoy meeting so many wonderful periodontists and learning about whats new in our field.27"