b'Meet the AAP FoundationAAP FOUNDATIONBoard of DirectorsThe AAP Foundation would notThe Avenues Company, I have introducedDr. David Okano says, The AAP be able to carry out its missionseveral innovative technologies and haveFoundation has been especially without the efforts of its dedicatedbeen mentored by and collaborated withinfluential in advancing the art and leaders. We are grateful to thesesome of the finest minds in periodontology.science of periodontology through devoted individuals for theirI feel truly blessed to have found - throughsupport of our academic community of vision, support, and leadership.serendipity - this amazing profession whichperiodontists. As a past award winner I see as a beacon of science, education,and current AAP Foundation board Meet the 2023-2024 AAPand innovation in dentistry. It is my pleasuremember, I am honored to be a part Foundation Board of Directors:to be able to pass some of these blessingsof assuring the future success of this OFFICERS forward as a member of the Foundationorganization and our specialty.President: John R. Herrin, DDS, MS board. In my role with the AAP, I am honored Vice-President: Lisa B. Masters, Board member and past Foundation awardto serve as an ex officio member DDS, MS recipient Dr. Irina Dragan adds, We allof the AAP Foundation Board. The Secretary-Treasurer: Christopher know that the impact of the AAPF is beyondalignment between AAPF and AAP R. Richardson, DMD, MS the financial support received by awardis critical to developing the future Immediate Past President: recipients. Our colleagues are now servingleaders in periodontics, and we share Joan Otomo-Corgel, DDS, MPH and thriving in various settings of thea responsibility to cultivate the best periodontal community: research, teaching,and brightest in the profession, both DIRECTORS and patient care. We are now tasked toin education and practice. The AAPF Jeanne Ambruster, PhD design initiatives that will expand on the keycan enhance the profession in ways role of a periodontist in interprofessionalthe AAP cannot- and vice versa. We Caitlin D. Darcey, DMD, MS person-centered care. Furthermore, weare separate, but dependent. Both Irina F. Dragan, DMD, MS will collaborate with other healthcareorganizations are highly relevant, Bryan Frantz, DMD, MSprofessionals for the new Preventionand highly aligned in propelling the ABP Representative Initiative. I am humbled and excited toprofession forward to continued Mia Geisinger, DDS, MS be able to shape trends in periodontologysuccess, concludes AAP Executive Purnima S. Kumar, DDS, PhD that will improve patient care and furtherDirector, Erin ODonnell-Dotzler. advance the education of generations.Stephen J. Meraw, DDS, MSErin ODonnell Dotzler, MPP, Ex Officio Dr. Purnima Kumar emphasizes, Our David K. Okano, DDS, MS specialty is in dire need of highly trained Colin Richman, DMD educators and curious scientists. The AAPF plays a pivotal role in recognizing theIf you are interested in E. Todd Scheyer, DDS, MS commitment that periodontists make whenvolunteering with the David H. Yu, DDS, MS they choose academia as a full-time careerAAP Foundation, please path, and I want to do my part in supportingemail dana@perio.HONORARY DIRECTOR this mission. org. Opportunities Linda Tarrson The AAP Foundation strengthens ourare available for community of periodontists as a whole andAmbassadors, Student we must make sure the mission continues.Ambassadors, selection New Board member Dr. JeanneThis philanthropic arm of the specialty iscommittee members, Ambruster says, My long andvital to educators, students, residents, andand more. productive relationship withprivate practice clinicians as the grants and periodontists began as a productawards the Foundation offers have been so development scientist at W.L. Gorecritically important in furthering the art and almost 40 years ago, working in thescience of periodontology, adds Dr. Chris field of tissue regeneration. As CEO ofRichardson.45'