b'Our Academy exists to support ALL members in ALL practice modalities. I envision the AAP as the hub, our periodontal home, where members go first to find information, to connect with colleagues, and for support in managing a practice.What is the role of American Academy ofWhat are my Leadership Experiences and Periodontology? Qualifications?If you ask this question of many periodontistsI am an experienced leader in periodontics and dentistry. there will be many different answersThis is my fourth year as a member of the AAP Board depending on the perspectives of theof Trustees and I have served on the AAP Executive respondents. Some may answer based onCommittee as well as a member and chair of numerous what the AAP is doing well for them, or whatAAP committees, including the Sedation, CEOC, and they feel the Academy should do to improve,Hygiene Task Force committees over the last thirty years. or what it is not doing. Our Academy existsIn 2020 I served as President of the California Dental to support ALL members in ALL practiceAssociation (CDA) in a very challenging and critical year. modalities. I envision the AAP as the hub, ourI have also been President of the California Society of periodontal home, where members go first toPeriodontists and the Western Society of Periodontology. find information, to connect with colleagues,I am a Delegate to the American Dental Association and and for support in managing a practice. Ia board member on The Dentist Insurance Company have come to understand that many early(TDIC).With my leadership experience, I bring an career periodontists would like to participateunderstanding of the importance of being politically in organized dentistry with the ability to beproactive, fiscally sound, and clarifying an organizations selective in their engagement as their time andrelevance which I will continue to champion at the AAP. resources are valuable to them. My vision ofI have learned that by staying calm, collecting data, and an AAP Periodontal Hub would allow memberslistening to stakeholders input prior to making decisions, to tailor their access and participation inand then, effectively communicating those decisions, the following areas: advocacy, science andreevaluating outcomes, and pivoting as needed, is innovation, career advancement, education,the most successful strategy for effectively moving an connection/networking, and practice support.organization forward. For example, in advocacy, the AAP can serve as a hub by identifying AAP members inAs an AAP officer I will help move the Academy forward each state who understand the landscapeand find solutions that will keep our specialty and the of potential scope of practice concerns suchAcademy viable both in clinical practice and in setting as moderate sedation and insurance issues.periodontal educational standards. Moving forward These AAP members would collect data, relayincludes communication that informs other dentists and it to the AAP hub, and then be available tothe public of the value of working with a periodontist. assist in any state when an issue arises. InI respectfully ask for your vote to be your next AAP addition, having identified periodontists whoSecretary/Treasurer.are members of state and/or federal political action committees could insure a perio voiceSincerely,to those groups and help guide support forRichard J. Nagy, DDS, FACD, FICD candidate elections that would be beneficialDiplomate American Board of Periodontologyfor periodontics. 13'