b'What does being a Board certifiedWhat do you like best about ABPerio periodontist mean to you? Minute?The term Diplomate is a designation of experts in ourAgain, I would rather be left alone and reawakened every field, not some title that goes back decades without6-7 years. That process was not beneficial to us. Getting updating knowledge. This pushed me to want to becomeclinically applicable information with the stipulation that a master of my profession.Preparing for the Boards isthere isnt a passing score but rather the opportunity a difficult, time-consuming experience which brings allto gain or confirm some knowledge is unique to our your knowledge and all that is known in our field together.specialty. Im convinced that other specialties will follow Being Board certified was a way to affirm that Id reachedour lead, and each question only takes a minute of your a high level, become an expert, a person who others turntime. There are references and other materials if youd to for advice. like further information, but this is not some tedious, time-consuming process.What do you value about being an Examiner for the ABP? What do you want other Diplomates to know When I was asked to become an Examiner I was thrilled. about ABPerio Minute?My first experience was like some rookie walking intoAs above, we resist change but after putting your toe an all-star locker room with Deans, Department Chairs,in the water of this completely different opportunity, PG Directors, published authors, and they made roomyoull realize that the water is fine, and the knowledge for me and accepted me as one of them. This was anis invaluable in this low stress exercise. Youll actually unforgettable moment. look forward to sitting at the computer one afternoon or evening and knocking off these questions and saying to I wanted to treat the candidates in the professional,yourself, Heck, I learned something today. Thank you welcoming, and collegial way that I had been treatedABP.and wanted to make taking the Boards an uplifting, memorable and prideful experience for these candidates. What advice do you have for someone Please tell us a little bit about the newwho might be considering pursuing Board continuing certification initiative, ABPeriocertification if they have been out of their Minute. How have you been involved in theresidency program for a while?project? I walk around the conventions and see a high percentage of newer graduates becoming Diplomates.I also see a I remember speaking with my physician who wassignificant number of middle-aged practitioners without complaining about preparing for his recertification. Hethat cool ribbon hanging from their badge.This is not felt it was superfluous. I must admit that taking thejust for recent grads.recertification exam seemed of minimal benefit.As a seasoned professional I was concerned about Most of us do not like change. The directors have comethe qualifying exam.I took time to ingest facts and up with a minimally burdensome and extremely helpfulconcepts, which helped me in my daily practice.exercise of 15 questions every quarter, which deliver information absolutely focused on helping a clinician.Becoming a Diplomate undoubtedly makes you a better Its not a pass/fail exam, its a low stress transfer ofclinician, makes you gain knowledge and confidence, knowledge which you can apply the next day in yourand makes you the expert that is looked to by other professional life. professionals and the public. If I could do it at 67, surely many of you reading this column can and should do it. I was selected to create questions on one topic and manyYoull stand taller and be smarter and its a great feeling, others have done similarly to make this a surprisinglyreaching the top of our profession. Id be happy to share inclusive, relevant, valuable, and informative experience. my strategies with you for success, which is what I wish for you all good health and success.41'