b"SCIENCE & COLLABORATIONMeet the 2023 Balint Orban and Research Forum WinnersRecipients of the Balint Orban Memorial Competition and Research Forum Poster Competition awards held at the 2023 Annual Meeting in Austin shared more about their winning research.Could you briefly describeperiodontal research and therapy over the centuries, especially the results of your award- within the elderly population. As a clinician-scientist, I am winning research? deeply committed to unraveling knowledge that aids our The majority of the elderlyfield in better understanding the disease and its treatments. population is afflicted byAddressing complex research inquiries necessitates a blend of periodontal diseases, creatingpreclinical and clinical studies. The challenges commence with a significant health burdenprocuring gingival tissue samples, which demands extensive worldwide. Cellular senescence,patient recruitment for the study. In addition, in order to one of the hallmarks of aging, isestablish an accurate and appropriate preclinical model, time Dr. Kantaponassociated with several chronicis required to imitate the aging phenomenon; thus, time itself Rattanaprukskulcomorbidities; however, therewas one of the greatest challenges I faced during my research. is still a knowledge gap in itsMany people have kindly assisted me throughout my project, Balint Orban Basicconnection to periodontitis. Ourand my work would not have reached fruition without them. Science Award research was conducted underFirst and foremost, I am profoundly grateful for the generous the hypothesis that cellularsupport extended to me by colleagues and friends whom I senescence serves as a driver ofhold dear. I must express my gratitude to the exceptional team periodontitis, and targeting senescent cells could enhance diseaseof lab members from Dr. Sahingur's lab, the lab where my outcomes. We reported comprehensive investigations rangingresearch was mainly conducted. A huge thank-you goes to my from clinical studies to novel periodontal therapy in preclinicalclinical director, Dr. Jonathan Korostoff, program director, Dr. periodontitis models. This study represents the first well-definedJoseph Fiorellini, department chairman, Dr. Rodrigo Neiva, my population clinical study investigating multiple biological markersthesis committee, and most significantly, my mentor, Dr. Esra of senescence in human periodontal tissue. Our findings indicateSahingur. Their guidance and support have been invaluable increased levels of senescence markers in periodontitis lesionsthroughout this endeavor.compared to healthy tissues. Thus, we applied this proof-of- How do you anticipate this award will influence your concept evidence and showed that the senotherapeutic cocktailfuture work?of dasatinib and quercetin holds promising potential for alleviating senescence. In summary, cellular senescence can contribute toThe true objective of conducting research is to discover new the pathophysiology of periodontitis, and targeting senescence canknowledge and share it with the community. I am deeply be a novel approach to improving periodontal health in susceptiblehumbled and honored by the opportunity to present my work populations. at this prestigious event alongside esteemed periodontist colleagues. Beyond the recognition of the award itself, the What challenges did you encounter during your research,invaluable experience I have gained has fulfilled my dreams and how were they overcome? and inspired me, motivating me to continually strive for the The pathogenesis of periodontitis represents one of the mosthighest standards as a clinician-scientist and educator. My complicated oral diseases, creating a significant challenge forgoal is to impart and ignite passion in the next generation, thus contributing to the excellence of our field. 34"